摘 要
陵江水利枢纽工程是位于陵江上的Ⅰ级建筑物,由厂房段坝段、溢流坝段 大孔口溢流坝段、深孔溢流坝和坝后厂房等组成。装机容量90万千瓦(6×15万千瓦),它是一项具有防洪、发电、灌溉、航运和养殖等综合效益的改革大自然的伟大工程。
本次的设计的内容包括施工导流和基础处理设计 。在设计中,我们充分在地分析论证了枢纽处的地形地貌条件,水文地质情况,气象资料等,结合当地的施工条件,依据各类水利工程规范,初步拟定导流方式采用分段围堰法导流,其导流时段为全年导流。根据基本资料选定了导流标准为20年一遇洪水标准,通过定量计算,进行了导流方案的经济比较,选择导流方案为土石围堰、束窄的河床和导流底孔泄流;在导流建筑物的设计中,导流底孔采用矩形,在导流建筑物的施工中,通过各建筑物工程量的计算,确定了各类施工机械的类型及台数。在截流设计中通过截流水力计算,确定了在不同流速情况下各截流材料的粒径大小及其数量,在基坑排水设计中,通过各期排水量的计算,确定了各期的排水设备。
在基础处理部分,运用钻孔爆破的方法开挖坝基,设计具体的爆破参数及其起爆网络.为提高坝基整体性,增强基岩承载力,并增加基岩密实性,减少通过基础表层岩石渗漏量,还需对坝基进行固结灌浆和帷幕灌浆,为此设计灌浆的布置方式和基本参数. 关键词;水利枢纽,施工导流,基础处理
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The Lingjiang Hydro-junction Projects are at I level and located on the Lingjiang River. And the projects are composed of the power plant dam, the overflow dam, the overflow dam with big orifices, the overflow dam with deep orifices and the powerhouse behind dam. The installed capacity is about 900,000 kilowatts (6×15 ten thousand kilowatts), and it is an item with synthesis benefits, such as the flood prevention, electricity generation, irrigation, shipping and cultivation. It is called to be a great project for nature reform.
This design includes the construction diversion and the design for foundation treatment.
In the design, we have fully proven the key position terrain landform condition in the place analysis, the hydrology geology situation, and the meteorological data and so on. Considering the local construction condition, the rests on each kind of hydraulic engineering standard, we draw up the conduction current way that is to use the partition coffer dam law conduction current initially, and the conduction current time interval is perennial diversion. The conduction current standard is 20-year frequency flood, according to the basic document. Through the quantitative terms and the conduction current plan economical comparison, the programmer for diversion is embankment cofferdam, contracted river and the bottom orifice for releases. In the design, we use the rectangle diversion orifice in the diversion. In the construction, we determined the various types of construction machinery and the number by the calculation of works of the buildings. In the closure work design, we determined the different particle size and number of river materials the current situation through the river hydro calculation. In the reference pit drainage design, we determined the period’s drainage equipment through the displacement calculation in every period.
In basic processing component, the use of blast by bore holes to excavate the dam foundation. Blasting parameters and the specific professional network
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are the main task in this design. To enhance the integrity of the dam foundation, and the bedrock bear, and increase the dense of the bedrock, and reduce leakage through the basic surface rock, we needed the consolidation grouting and the curtain grouting for the dam foundation. Because of the reasons above, this paper designed the layout and the basic parameters of the grouting.
Key words: hydraulic engineering construction, the construction diversion, foundation treatment
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