Key to Practice Four I.
1. 他的工作远远不够完美。
2. 我总是能凑合找个词儿说说,可是皮特什么时候都能找到恰如其分的词儿。
3. 温斯顿丘吉尔今天是一个被理想化了的历史英雄,但当时却被看成各种各样的人物:爱唱高调但常犯错误的人,摇摆不定的政客,有几分才气的演说家,轻率的装腔作势者,写有大量著作但文风古老的多产作家,以及贩卖战争的酒徒。
4. 算他运气好,正在那时害了肝病,必须回到欧洲去医治,才算有机会在本国享福。 5. 他赢钱的次数那么多,无怪乎眼红的人,赌输的人,有时说起这件事便要发牢骚。 II.
1. There is a tourist attraction called Yaolin Wonderland which you can reach in about 3 hours by going south west by tourist bus from Hangzhou.
2. I dare not show off in the presence of an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter.
3. Private schools in the U.S. have a wide range of progress that are offered to meet the needs of certain students.
4. Our educational policy enable everyone who receives and education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture. 5. The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities ifs compounded by the paucity of the information media. III.
世上的莫逆之交可能反目成仇。倾心呵护抚养成人的儿女到头来可能不念养育之恩。我们的至爱亲朋,我们以幸福与名声相托的人,也许会背叛其当初的誓言。 IV.
Some feminist researchers think that women's liberation movement in China is still operating within the framework of the male culture because froth the very beginning it was directed by men, who set the male sex as a model for women to follow. They argue that the time has come for Chinese women to define their own roles in society and strive for a society in which they can choose to work outside home or to stay at home, in which they can have more time to develop their own interests and improve community conditions.