毕业设计(论文)--纸在创意首饰设计中的应用 下载本文

毕业设计报告书 纸在创意首饰设计中的应用

作者姓名: 专业班级: 指导老师:

摘 要


关键词:纸 审美 首饰设计

The Application of the Paper in

Innovative Jewelry Design

Abstracts: Nowadays society, with the economic and technological development, people's living standards and aesthetic requirements are increasing, it makes the jewelry breaking the traditional sense of the position, not only in the production of precious metals, more attention is the beauty of the design . For materials unlimited choices to make designers greater design space and imagination. With the development of fashion trends, jewelry as a decorative finishing touch to show the individual's quality of life and attitude towards life. Therefore, in the form of jewelry design more diversified eclectic, pursue a higher level, more comprehensive form, to create a bold and avant-garde works of art for the modern life of the spirit and beauty. In this paper, innovative materials \application in jewelry design, reflecting the psychological adventures designers and consumers, as well as the modern aesthetic taste.

Key words: Paper aesthetic jewelry design

目 录

第1章 前 言 .................................................. 1 第2章 首饰设计的历史与前景 ................................... 2

2.1首饰的历史 ............................................. 2 2.2首饰的分类 ............................................. 3 2.3首饰的前景 ............................................. 3 第3章 纸在创意首饰设计方案中的运用概述 ...................... 5

3.1纸首饰的设计背景 ....................................... 5 3.2纸首饰的具体定位 ....................................... 6 3.3方案设计理念 ........................................... 6 3.4方案设计构思 ........................................... 8 第4章 纸在创意首饰设计中的运用展示 ......................... 10


纸首饰设计局部分析以及效果图展示 ...................... 10

4.2三视图展示 ............................................ 14 总 结 ...................................................... 20 致 谢 ...................................................... 21 参考文献 .................................................... 22