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BOOK 3 Unit 2 Homework 1


1. To succeed, we must _________________(结合) talent with working hard. 2. Is there something wrong? Why do you ________(叹息)all day? 3. The boy lifted the stone with all his ____________(力量).

4. If you do not have a ___________(平衡的)diet, what could have happened? 5. Exercise is __________(有益的)to our health.

6. He finally gave in to _______(curious) and opened the letter addressed to his wife. 7. We want to _____________(strong) our ties with them.

8. One of Tom’s _________(weakness) is that he is always telling lies. 9. You look much __________(health) than before.

10. The food that helps the body fight disease is __________(protect) food. 二、语法填空,请用一个单词或单词的正确形式填空。每题1.5分。 Wang Peng felt very frustrated when he saw none of his patrons (常客) would eat in his restaurant. In his opinion, nothing could be __1__(good) than his fried , mutton kebabs , fatty pork or his __2__(sugar) cola . Who won his customers? He followed one of his best friends into Yong Hui’s newly-opened _3___(slim )restaurant and was __4__(amaze) at the menu there :raw vegetables , fruit and water . It was obvious that Yong Hui was telling _5__lie when promising to make the customers thinner . In order to win his customers ___6_, he went to the library to do some research , __7__showed Yong Hui’s menu didn’t give the customers energy-giving food .__8__(find) out the __9__(weak ) of Yong Hui’s menu , Wang Peng


wrote his own sign ,saying energy-giving food served . In fact ,there was weakness in Wang Peng’s menus , too .Food at his restaurant 10 (contains) too much fat . So the only solution is to combine the two menus together to be a balanced menu .

必修三 Unit 2 Homework 2


win back get away with tell a lie 1. You look slim. Have you _____________________? out of curiosity keep fit lose weight 2. Watch Frank—he’ll cheat if he thinks he can___________________it. 3. I _____________________ to her about when to set off. 4. Just ________________, she opened the letter of her brother’s. 5. He had a desire to ______________ his father’s love and trust. 二、短文改错。

Last winter I lose all my hair. To me, it was an extreme bad time. I didn't know why this happened with me. I saw many doctors and the answer was always same: There was no treatment and I might never get my hair back. Only time would be tell if I would ever have hair again. It was then when I found out what great my friends were. They were all there for me, but the best thing was that everyone treated me just like before. Believing it or not, my friends brought me all kind of hats and now I have more than 50!

必修三 Unit 2 Homework 3


一、 完成句子。

1. 你本没有必要告诉我这个消息。

You _________ _______ ______ me the news. 2. 在这样长的时间里他本该完成工作了。 He ______ _______ ________ the work in such a long time. 3. 玛丽本不该说那些话的,但她想要提醒你要防备那个男人 Mary _________ _______ ________ the words, but she wanted to warn you against that man. 4. 这个足球队本来可以赢得比赛。

The football team ________ ______ _______ the game. 5. 杰克把他的父亲描述为一个意志坚强的人,他的父亲多年前肯定是一个勇敢的男孩子。

Jack described his father, who _____ ______ _______ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.


Most people know that chocolate is made from cocoa and that the origins of chocolate can be traced back to Central and South America. 1 But how did chocolate go from being the food of the gods to being the food of love?

2 They established the first cocoa plantation and used the cocoa beans as the main ingredient in a dark,bitter drink that we would call “chocolate”. The Mayas believed that chocolate had mystical properties. 3 In fact,cocoa beans were used as a form of currency that was worth its weight in gold.

Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortez was the first European explorer to realize cocoa’s commercial possibilities. 4 In 1529,Cortez returned


Spain and introduced chocolate—as a drink mixed with sugar,vanilla,and cinnamon—to European society.

It caught on,especially with the nobility. As its popularity spread,people found new ways to make and use chocolate. 5 Whether it is in delectable desserts or crunchy candy,people all over the world are still in love with chocolate.

A. But cocoa also had commercial value.

B. But not all the people all over the world love cocoa.

C. For centuries,the native there regarded cocoa as a gift from the gods. D. When he arrived in the New World in 1519,he soon established his own cocoa plantation. E. Around A.D.600,the Mayas were the main aboriginal group in Central America.

F. These days,chocolate is enjoyed as both a tasty treat and a romantic indulgence.

必修三 Unit 2 Homework (1)

二.单词拼写。 1. combine 2. sigh 3. strength 4. balanced 5. beneficial 6. curiosity 7. strengthen 8. weaknesses
