内蒙古自治区包头市2015-2016学年高中英语外研版必修二Module 5 Period two学案导学 解析 Word版含答案[ 高 下载本文


Period Two Language Points


1.Our world is but a small part of the ________(宇宙).

2.A ________ (名人) is a widely recognized or famous person who commands a high degree of public and media attention.

3.When I realized my dream after hard work,I felt a great sense of ________ (成就).

4.The state of the ________ (经济) in that country is very worrying. 5.He got up early to catch his ________(班机). 6.He has taken a lot of ________(照片) of the park. Ⅱ.选词填空

take photographs of,in total,at the start of,in space,now that,believe in 1.The meteorological (气象的) map was sent to the earth by the geostationary satellite ______________.

2.They ________________ God even if they don’t go to church every Sunday. 3.In over two hours of trading,we made only one hundred dollars ________________.

4.________________ we know each other a little better,we get along fine. 5.Like most visitors to London,we ________________ some of the city’s sights,including the famous red double-decker buses.

6.A small black horse had the inside track ________________ the race. Ⅲ.同义词辨析


(1) The article ________ a lot of useful everyday English.

(2) The people who went to plant trees ________ many women. (3) Everyone laughed,me ________.

2.用congratulate或celebrate的适当形式填空 (1)We will hold a party to ________ his birthday.

(2)Allow me to ________ you on your good performance.

(3)________ you on your passing the college entrance examination. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.—How many people learn English as a second language? —________,there are more than 375 million people. A.What’s more B.In total C.At all D.First of all

2.I wrote him a letter of ________ on his winning the first place in the English contest.

A.congratulations B.hope C.good luck D.wishes

3.Please go ________ the ship quickly. There is only 10 minutes left. A.abroad B.aboard C.board D.to board



4.This is my car. You are welcome ________ use it. But it’s always breaking down.

A.for B.on C.with D.to

5.Most of the movies directed by that director are based on ________ facts. A.history B.historic C.historical D.right

6.The setting up of a new branch in New York makes the________ to America a usual business for him. A.flight B.flying C.fly D.flies

7.There are three astronauts currently ________ the Earth in the International Space Station(ISS). A.travelling B.circling C.rounding D.orbiting

8.She couldn’t_ about the dress. So she asked me what I thought about it. A.have decision B.make decision C.have a decision D.make a decision

9.Scientists believed that light travelled through ______ space in ________ straight line. A.a;the B.the;the C.the;a D./;a

10.His movie won several awards at the film festival,________ was beyond his

wildest dream. A.which B.that C.where D.it Ⅴ.阅读理解

British Newspapers

In Britain there are 11 national daily newspapers and most people read them every day. There are two kinds of newspapers. One is large in size and has many detailed articles about national and international events. These newspapers are called the serious papers or the quality papers. The other kind,called the tabloids(通俗小报),are smaller in size,have more pictures,often in colour,and shorter articles,often about less important events or about the private lives of well- known people. Although some

people don’t support tabloids,more people buy them than the people buy the serious newspapers. The Sun,for example,which is a tabloid,is the biggest selling newspaper in Britain. The tabloids are sometimes called the gutter(低级趣味) press. And in 1997,some photograph reporters of the tabloids were said to be involved in(卷入) the tragic(悲剧的) death of Princess Diana in France and they were criticized as gossip reporter by the public.

Most national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion and people choose the newspaper that they read according to their own political beliefs. Most of the newspapers are rightwing which means they support the Conservative Party(保守党).These are the Daily Telegraph (serious newspaper),the Daily Express,Daily Mail,Daily Star,the Sun and Today (all tabloids).Of the other serious newspapers,The Times,the oldest newspaper in Britain,did not formerly have one strong political view but it is now more rightwing. The Independent does not support any one political party,



and neither does the Financia Times,which concentrates on business and financial(金融的) news. The Daily Mirror (tabloid) is the voice of the Labour Party.

1.If a newspaper often publishes some articles long enough together with political and international events,we say it’s a ________.

A.financial papers B.gutter press C.tabloids

D.serious or quality paper

2.Tabloids are ________ received than serious papers. A.better B.less C.more poorly D.worse

3.In Britain,most national papers give their voices for ________. A.Labour Party

B.Conservative Party

C.neither of the two parties D.both parties

4.Some reporters of the tabloids were considered to be ________. A.devoted fellows B.national heroes C.radicals D.gossip reporters

5.The oldest paper for the Conservative Party in Britain is ________. A.the Sun B.the Times C.the Independent D.not mentioned


aboard和abroad词形相近,容易混淆。aboard adv. & prep.在(船、飞机、火车

等)上(里);上(船、飞机、火车等);abroad adv.在国外,到国外。 1.The plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard. 飞机失事了,机上200人全部遇难。 2.She often goes abroad on business. 她经常出国做生意。
