【优质】小学英语冀教版四年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 13 At School 优质公开课教案4 下载本文

Unit 3 Lesson 13全课时教案


冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 13


1. 知识目标:掌握词汇classroom, library, playground, computer room

掌握句型 Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.

2. 能力目标:学生可以通过所学,礼貌的用英语问路。 3. 情感目标:培养自己的语言表达能力和文章的组织能力。




重点:本科重点词汇Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.的用法



Step1: Greeting and a free talk

Step2: Introduce my school

1. 教师指着教室问学生: This is our new classroom. Do you like our classroom? What’s in the classroom ? 学生做出相应的回答。教师接着问: How many classrooms are there in our school? Do you like our school? What else can you see in the school ? Look! This is a map of our school .接下来教师借助校园分布图教授生词。教师在教学过程中引入句型“It’s on the first floor .”,为下一课时进一步学习序数词做铺垫。

通过教师领读和听音跟读,让学生掌握本课时四个生词 school, classroom, library, playground,的正确读音。在练习library 的发音时,可复习已学过的含辅音连缀的单词,如ice-cream , brother , friend , hungry。 2. Play a game.

教师快速变幻手中的单词卡片,学生用英语快速回答卡片上是什么。 e.g. T: What is that?

S: It's school.school, s—c—h—o—o—l.

Step 3: Practice

1. 请两位同学朗读课本对话

2. 模拟课本对话,两人一组编一个对话

S1: Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Where is the computer room? S2: I can show you. Here it is S1: Thanks.

Step 4: Summary 1. 播放录音,学生跟读 2. 总结这节课所学内容

Step 5: Class closing 1. 布置家庭作业,完成同步练习 2. Say goodbye to the students.