新理念外语网络教学平台第四册Unit7测试答案 下载本文

A) must have got through B) would have got through C) would get through D) could get through

正确答案: B 54.

Grocers have agreed to ___________ the cost of several basic commodities. A) bring down B) bring out C) bring about D) bring up

正确答案: A 55.

The old overseas Chinese looked in _____ at his hometown, which changed so greatly that he could hardly recognize it. A) strange B) confusion C) difficulty D) unfamiliarity

正确答案: B 56.

According to the news report, the present Parliament will be _____ on the 15th of July, before the General Election. A) dissolved B) dispersed C) deformed D) decomposed

正确答案: A 57.

When Chris was in one of his _____, he was unpleasant to everyone. A) emotions B) moods C) feelings D) experiences

正确答案: B


This excellent book can only be a ___________ of a complex industry. A) scholarship B) snapshot C) nourishment D) magnitude

正确答案: B 59.

An animal's _____ causes him to run from danger. A) reaction B) instinct C) sense D) intention

正确答案: B 60.

The lack of rain ___________ the already serious lack of food. A) anticipated B) attributed C) aggravated D) acknowledged

正确答案: C

Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

61. ____________________ (所有的准备工作都劳而无功) because the visit was cancelled.

正确答案: All that preparation was for nothing

62. To become a writer, a person ____________________ (必须首先要富有想象力).

正确答案: must, first of all, be imaginative

63. ____________________ (他回想起昨晚的事) and felt at a loss what to do.

正确答案: He thought back to last night

64. The log cabin stayed empty ____________________ (除了我们暑假期间来).

正确答案: except when we came during the summer vacation

65. With illustrations and data ____________________ (他极其透彻地解释了他的论点).

正确答案: he explained his argument in crystal detail


Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.

1. A) T B) F

Script: The twin towers of the World Trade Center were once one of the mightiest symbols in New York.

正确答案: A 2. A) T B) F

Script: Due to another terror attack, there was once a major damage to the World Trade Center in 1993.

正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F

Script: On Day Two morning, some anxious relatives waited for the papers to look for all the

possible information about the disappeared.

正确答案: B 4. A) T B) F

Script: The 9/11 attacks had immediate and overwhelming effects upon American people.

正确答案: A 5. A) T B) F

Script: For President Bush, the 9/11 attacks were more than an act of terror.

正确答案: A 6. A) T B) F

Script: As time goes by, people will totally forget the miseries and pains that the 9/11 attacks brought.

正确答案: B 7. A) T B) F

Script: September 11 was one of the most serious attacks on American territories in history.

正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F

Script: In fact, Saddham Hussein was a religious extremist.

正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F

Script: Dr. King’s words warn us that we should focus on self-development as well as war


正确答案: B 10. A) T B) F

Script: There are still some serious tensions hard to be settled in Iraq.

正确答案: A

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

The economic effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States last week are spreading across the country and the world. The attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. have hurt many (11)_________________ , especially the airline industry and financial markets. Many companies have been forced to dismiss thousands of workers. Many (12)_________________ states are concerned about their economic future.

Monday was the first day of (13)_________________ on the American stock market since the attacks September Eleventh. The stock market suffered major losses. The Dow Jones industrial (14)_________________ lost seven percent of its value. The other major (15)_________________ of the value of American stocks fell to their lowest levels in three years. Some economic experts say the drop in the value of stocks could directly affect long-term spending. They say it may cause people to lose trust in the economy and spend less money. Businesses across the country already have reported (16)_________________ in sales. Experts note that the American economy was close to a (17)_________________ even before the attacks.

The airline industry was probably hardest hit by the attacks. The nation’s skies (18)_________________ to all air travel. High fuel and labor costs are making the situation worse. The airlines are losing hundreds of millions of dollars each day.

Major airlines in the United States have announced (19)_________________ almost eighty-thousand workers. A major builder of airplanes, Boeing, says it will dismiss as many as thirty-thousand workers. Airlines in many other countries are cutting flights and jobs. Many other businesses dependent on the airline industry also (20)_________________ .

Script: The economic effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States last week are spreading across the country and the world. The attacks in New York City and Washington D.C.