高考动词梳理总结 下载本文

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主要涉及的考点有:常见动词及动词近义词辨析;及物动词常被误为不及物动词;特定语境中常见动词的基本用法和辨析:develop发展——冲洗;meet见面——满足;cover覆盖——涉及等;拼写形式不同而容易混淆的动词有:hang(hanged绞死,hung悬挂);lay(laid, laid)放置;lie(lied, lied)说慌;lie(lay, lain)平卧等。

热点1 几个常见的谓语动词



(1)make当“做、制造”解时,可跟双宾语,间接宾语用for 引导。如: He’ll make me a kite.=He’ll make a kite for me.他将给我制作一个风筝。 (2)make通常与一些表示动作的名词连用。如:

① make a study/trip/promise/movement/statement/dive/request/change/fire/demand/ speech/report/face/plan/success/living/difference

②make an explanation/experiment/excuse/effect(影响)/apology…to sb ----have effect on sth

③ make preparations/room…for sb (make progress with~~在哪方面取得进步) ④ make one’s way/bread/ tea/ coffee/up one’s mind/no answer

(3)make作使役动词时,表示 “使…做某事、使…成为'',可跟复合结构,其中的宾补可以是:

①形容词:They are trying to make our country beautiful.他们在努力使我们国家变得美丽。 ②名词:I would make you a star。我会使你成为一个明星。 ③过去分词:What made him so frightened?什么使他如此害怕?

④省去to 的不定式:The boy made faces just to make the other students laugh.这个男孩做鬼脸只是为了使其他孩子发笑。

注意:make在被动语态中一定要接带to的不定式。 No one is ever made to be hero.没有天生的英雄。

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[典例1]The regulations were made_____ children after the accidents. A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. to be protected

解析 B 在句中因为make用的是被动语态,故其后一定要接带to的不定式,作主语补足语。

⑤构成:make it +adj. +to do sth./that-clause使(做)某事成为……。

[典例2]The manager, ______it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us ,left the meeting room.(江西卷)

A. who has made B. having made C. made D. making

解析:关于make用法的考查。根据句子结构分析可以判断,主句为:The manager left the meeting room.,中间的部分为分词短语作状语,且动作发生在主句left动作之前,而又并非现在完成时,故排除A。现在分词的完成式先于主句的谓语动词而发生,故选B。

(4)make作“制造、组成”时构成的词组,常使用被动语态。 ①成品+be made of +原料(看得出原料) ②成品+be made from+原料(难看或看不出原料) ③原料+be made into+成品 ④成品+be made by+执行者\\制造者 ⑤成品+be made in+地点

⑥物体\\组织+be made up of +若干成份 \由......构成,组成的\ The group is made of five students. (组成) The company is made up of ten departments. (构成)

[典例3] The old cottage can be______ temporary(临时的)houses. A. made into B. made of C. made by D. made in

解析A 此句句意为:这栋旧别墅可以改装成临时住宅。被动be made into符合句意。 (5)make构成的两个常用词组:

①make up(for)弥补,虚构,缝制,化妆,整理等。如:make up jokes编笑话;make up a poem/a story/a song编诗歌/故事/歌曲。再如: They hurried on to make up for lost time.

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The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩儿编了个故事,这故事不是真的。 She made up her face to look prettier. 她化了妆以便看上去更漂亮些。

[典例4]Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______jokes.(江苏卷)

A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up

解析C 动词搭配与辨析。turn up 找到,发现,出现;put up 举起,抬起,进行;show up揭露,露出,露面。而make up jokes为“编笑话”,与句意吻合。

②make full/good/the best use of 充分利用。

We must make the best use of the fine weather.我们必须充分利用这好天气。

Let’s make use of this opportunity to practice our spoken English.让我们好好地利用这个机会来练习英语口语。


(1)作“考虑”讲时,可跟名词/代词/从句或跟连接代词/副词+to do或跟动名词连用。 Have you considered how to get there?你考虑过如何去那里了吗? He considered going to see them in prison.他考虑去监狱探试他们。


I consider him to be a fool.我把他当作一个傻子看待。 (3)注意结构:consider it + n/ adj. + to do sth.

I consider it necessary to study English.我认为学英语很有必要。 (4)consider…(as)…表示“把(某人或某物)看作……”。如: Most people considered him as a hero.多数人把他看成一个英雄。 [典例5] Many things_____ impossible in the past are common today.