英语外研版八年级上册Module4Unit1导学案(无答案) 下载本文

M4U1 课 题 课 型 新授课 审核人 时 间 主备人 学生姓名 知识目标(new words):accident、except、far from、crowded、road、journey、choice 掌握本模块的重点句型:It’s the most comfortable but it’s the most expensive 目标 能力目标:1、能听懂谈论关于交通出行的英文表达。 2、能熟练的运用形容词和副词的最高级,就事物之间的差异进行对比。 情感目标:1、培养学生热爱旅行、热爱生活的精神和态度。 2、培养学生对细节的关注,善于对比的习惯。提高与他人合作、相互帮助的团队意识和能力。 学 习 活 动 教学意图 (学习感悟) Step1.( A 层) Ask and Answer (1)迟到 ____________ (2)一次交通事故_________ (3)最舒适的方式 __________ (4)乘地铁 _________ (5) 和……相同 ____________ (6)如此拥挤 _______ (7)记得要做某事 ___________ (8)一直,总是 __________ Step 2. Listen and Read ( B 层) 1. Read the conversation loudly.

2. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1) How did Betty go to school? Why was she late ? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2) How does Lingling go to school? Why? ____________________________________ 3) How do you think Betty will go to school? ____________________________________ Step3. Listen again and then act it out. ( B 层 ) Step 4. I can speak.( C层). Talk about how do you go to school -- How do you go to school? -- I go to school by bike. ..........

课 题 班 级 一.单项选择 (18分) ( ) 1. Everyone is watching TV in the living room ____Maria. She is doing her homework. A. by B. for C. with D. except ( ) 2. Debbie is growing fast. She is even________ than her mother. (2013北京) A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( ) 3.—Do you know Lin Shuhao ? (2013漳州) —Yes. He is one of _____ basketball players in the NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular ( ) 4.—Who ran ______ of all in the sports meeting ? (2013襄阳) —Hector did, I think. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. most fast ( ) 5. —Did your father go out in the afternoon, Tony ? — No,he was in his study (书房)_______ . A. at no time B. at this time C. at one time D. all the time ( ) 6. ____ I can give you some information. A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Can be ( ) 7. There was________accident on the road. A.a B.an C./ D.any ( ) 8. —I will go to Hangzhou for my holiday. —________! A.My pleasure B.Have a nice trip C.OK D.Don't mention it 八年级 时 间 学生姓名 2016-9-26 分 值 得 分 28分