最新版2019-2020年人教版九年级英语全册Unit1单元检测题1及答案-精编试题 下载本文

Unit 1

姓名________ 学号________ 班级________ 得分________

一、听力理解 (略)

二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

( )31. — In my opinion, reading aloud is one of _________ best ways to learn English.

— I agree with you.

A. a B. an C. / D. the

( )32. — Is this your dictionary?— No, it’s not ________. It’s ________. A. mine; Lily Smith. A. lazy good way. A. by B. with

C. as D. of

( )35. — He has the __________ to be a good teacher.— I think so. A. activity B. answer C. advice D. ability

( )36. — ________ does your father go to work?— He usually takes the subway. A. What B. How C. When D. Where

( )37. — Must I finish the homework today?— No, you ________. A. needn’t

B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t

D. can’t

( )38. — Will you come to Julia’s party?

—No, _______ we’re going to New York City this weekend. A. until

B. so C. because

D. because of

( )39. — Sorry, we can’t hear you clearly. Could you please ________ your e-mail address? — I’ll write it down. A. review

B. repeat C. pronounce

D. connect

( )40. — What do you think of Mark’s spoken English? — No one in our class does ________ than him. A. well work there?

A. has worked B. works C. is working D. will work

( )42. — It _________ me the whole day to finish reading the novel yesterday. — Really? You must like it very much. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost

( )43. — If you meet some new words, you’d better ______ in a dictionary.—

B. the best C. best D. better

( )41. — He ________ in this factory for 15 years already.— When did he begin to

B. careful

C. patient D. active

( )34. — We often learn English words __________ making word cards.— That’s a

B. mine; Lily’s C. me; Lily D. me; Lily’s

( )33. — You should be ________. Improving your English needs time.— OK, Mr.

Thank you.

A. look up them them out

( )44. — What can I do on weekends?

— You can join a chess club to practice ___________ chess. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing

( )45. — Why don’t you join an English language club?— ________. A. That’s a good idea B. That’s all right

C. I am sorry to hear that D. It doesn’t matter 三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Jake and Amy were in the same first grade class. They took a math test that morning, and Jake didn’t do very well. They were walking home from school with Jake’s big brother Ben.

“What’s wrong, Jake?” Ben asked.

“ 46 ,” Jake said. “It’s too hard to add big numbers.”

“I can 47 you,” Ben said. “Hold up your 48 . And now tell me how 49 fingers you have.” “That’s easy. I have ten fingers,” Jake said.

“Now take away your fingers, 50 remember you had ten. Try to add nine more,” Ben said.

“But I don’t know how!” Jake cried out.

“Hold up nine fingers,” Ben said. “Now, you 51 had ten. What 52 comes after ten?” “Eleven,” said Jake.

“This finger is eleven. What’s the next finger?” Ben asked.

“Twelve,” Jake said. Ben 53 each of the fingers Jake was holding up. “Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen! Ten plus nine is nineteen!” Ben said with a big smile.

“I get it!” said Jake. “ 54 what happens when we have to add even bigger numbers? I only have ten fingers!”

“I know!” Amy said, sitting down and 55 her shoes. “We can use our toes!”

( )46. A. Physics B. History C. Math D. English ( )47. A. find B. help C. lend D. call

( )48. A. hands B. coats C. books D. legs ( )49. A. far B. long C. many D. much ( )50. A. if B. but C. so D. or ( )51. A. only B. still C. also D. already

( )52. A. number B. name C. color D. day ( )53. A. learnt B. kept C. touched D. drew ( )54. A. If B. But C. So D. Or

( )55. A. taking off B. putting on C. finding out D. looking up 四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共30分)


Some books have a list of words called a glossary at the back. A glossary tells you what words mean, like a little dictionary. Read this glossary from a book about

B. look them up C. look out them D. look


( )56. What is a glossary? A. A list of words. B. A list of book names. C. Some addresses. D. Some telephone numbers.

( )57. What part of a plant is in the soil? A. Leaf.

B. Stem. C. Root. D. Flower.

C. Four.

D. Five.

( )58. How many things mentioned above can help plants grow? A. One. B. Two. ( )59. What is a seedling? A. It is the main part of a plant.

B. It is a part of a plant that grows on the stem. C. It is a part of a plant where new seeds grow. D. It is a young plant.

( )60. You should know these words if you want to learn ________. A. plants

B. animals


Mark frowned (皱眉头). His sister Trina was getting a lot of gifts for her first birthday. She had lots of attention. Grandparents were here for the party.

What about him? No one cared what he was doing. Fine! He thought. If no one cares, then I can do what I want. He got up and broke a balloon (气球) with a fork (叉子). POP!

“Mark, stop that,” Mom said quickly.

Grandpa took him to the kitchen. “Sit down,” he said. Mark sat down and crossed his arms.

“It’s a big responsibility (责任) having a baby sister,” Grandpa said. “Not really. She cries, and plays.”

Grandpa smiled, “That’s not what I mean. I mean it’s hard to share with your C. chemistry D. physics