2020中考英语总复习完成句子练习题基础版(含详解) 下载本文



改写句子。按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 1.They do sports with their parents every weekend. (改为否定句) They _______ _______ sports with their parents every weekend.

2.People in Jinan can go to Qingdao by high-speed train nowdays. (对画线部分提问) ____________ ____________people in Jinan go to Qingdao nowdays? 3.“Do you want to join the English club, Kim?”I asked.

I asked Kim ___________she____________ to join the English club.

4.As a slow learner, I wanted to know “How does she come up with the answers so quickly? ”

As a slow learner, I ____________how she ____________ up the answers so quickly. 5.We all know that English conversations always start with the weather. (改写句子,句意不变)

It____________ ____________ that English conversations always start with the weather.


We do some cleaning to ____________ ____________ bad luck before the Spring Festival. 7.玛丽昨天用完了她的钱。

Mary _____________ _____________ her money yesterday. 8.最近几年洪雅修了许多楼房。

Many buildings _____________ _____________ _____________in the past few years. 9.我正盼着上高中。

I’m_____________ _____________ _____________going to senior high school.


Another new library_______ _______ last month in my hometown. 11.我已经习惯了每天步行上学。

I am _______ _______ _______ to school every day. 12.人们常常拿乡村的生活和城镇的生活作比较。

People often ________ life in the country ________ life in the town. 13.爸爸,我们家每月在用水方面花多少钱?

______ _______ does our family______ _______water every month, Dad? 14.这个故事真有趣!我读得停不下来。

_______ _______ _______story it is! I can’t stop reading it. 15.你能告诉我火车什么时候开吗?

Could you tell me _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ? 16.他太高兴了以致于说不出话来。

He was _______ _______ _______ _______ a word.


Teachers ________ great ________in their students' achievements. 18.坚持你的梦想,有一天我们可能会实现它。

________ ________ your dream,and one day we may achieve it. 19.露西和她妈妈很相似,聪明又善良。

Lucy ________ ________ her mother.They are both clever and kind. 20.每个人都会犯错。它是生活的一部分。

Everyone may ________ ________.It's part of our life.


1.don’t do 2.Howcan 3.ifwanted

4.wonderedthought 5.isknown 【解析】

1.此句为实意动词的肯定陈述句变否定句,需在复数主语后加助动词don’t构成否定句。 2.此句对方式状语提问需用疑问副词how“怎么”,将句中的情态动词can提到主语前构成疑问语序。


4.want to know想知道,同义词为wonder,此句宾语从句为一般现在时,主语第三人称单数,谓语动词需用单数。

5.我们都知道英语对话通常以天气开始。此句可改为It is known that…众所周知……。 6.washaway 7.usedup

8.havebeenbuilt 9.lookingforwardto 【解析】

6.春节前:before the Spring Festival;打扫处:do some cleaning;冲走,冲掉:wash away;不好的运气:bad luck 。结合汉语提示和所给英文提示及动词不定式to可知填 wash away。 7.昨天:yesterday;她的钱:her money;用完:used up;根据时间yesterday可知用过去式,结合汉语和所给英文提示可知填use up。

8.最近几年: in the past few years;根据时间可知句子的时态使用现在完成时,主语Many buildings是复数形式,根据英文提示可知此句被动语态,被动语态构成:主语+have/has+过去分词;结合汉语提示可知答案是(1). have (2). been (3). built 。

9.上高中:goto senior high school;盼望,渴望做某事:look forward to doing sth.;根据汉语提示和所给英文可知使用现在进行时,故答案是 (1). looking (2). forward (3). To。 10.was built

11.usedtowalking 12.compare with

13.How muchspend on 14.Whatan interesting 15.whenthe trainwillleave 16.too happy/pleased to say 【解析】

10.build修建,是一个动词。通过分析句子结构可知,这句话的主语是Another new library,和动词构成被动关系,使用被动语态。句中的时间状语是last month,故这句话应使用一般过去时态,填was built。

11.be used to 是固定短语,习惯于做某事,后面跟名词或者动名词形式;walk散步,动词,后面直接加ing。


13.how much多少钱,是一个疑问词;spend花费,是一个动词,常用于句型spend money/time

on sth.在某方面花费时间或金钱。句中使用了助动词does,因此这里的动词spend用原形。 14.这是一个感叹句,其构成是What a/an+形容词+可数名词单数形式,interesting有趣的,是一个形容词,第一个音是元音,故冠词用an。

15.这是when引导的一个宾语从句,when是引导词,什么时候,根据句意火车还没有离开,因此这个从句应使用一般将来时态,宾语从句中应使用陈述语序,因此应先填主语the train,然后填谓语动词will leave。

16.too+形容词或副词+to do sth.是一个固定句型,太…以至于不能做某事,happy或者pleased都是形容词,意思相近,高兴的。

17.学生的成就: students' achievements;对…感到自豪/骄傲:take pride in /be proud of;结合汉语和英文提示可知填(1). take (2). pride 。

18.短语Hold on :坚持;坚持你的梦想Hold on your dream;有一天:one day;实现:come true/achieve。结合汉语和英文提示可知填(1). Hold (2). on 。 19.聪明又善良:both clever and kind;与…相似:be similar to ;结合汉语和英文提示可知填 (1). is (2). similar 。 20.一部分:(a)part of;犯错:make mistakes;may情态动词,后跟动词原形,结合汉语和英文提示可知填(1). make (2). mistakes 。