新视野大学英语读写(一)Unit1-6拓展练习及答案 下载本文

C. make a good impression of D. make a habit of

30. You think I did it deliberately, but I ______ you that I did not. (U1-B) A. assure

Key to Unit 1 (BI) 1.C 2. B 3. A

4. B

5. D

6. B 26. A

7. D 27. C

8. D 28. D

9. D 29. B

10. C 30. A

11.D 12. C 13. A 14. C 15.A 16. D 17. A 8. D 21.A 22. D 23.D 24. B 25. D

19.C 20.B

B. ensure

C. assume

D. presume

Unit 2, Book 1

1. We must improve our ____ as soon as possible otherwise the task would be postponed. (U2—A)

A. sufficiency B. deficiency C. proficiency D. efficiency

2. She was a bit ______ when they asked her age for she still failed to find a boyfriend. (U2—A)

A. embarrassed B. embedded C. embodied D. embraced

3. I ____ my buttons with a handkerchief because of the ongoing construction site nearby. (U2—A)

A. polished B. punished C. published D. punched

4. There's nothing like candlelight for creating a ______ mood for the girl to enjoy her birthday. (U2—A)

A. rebellious B. romantic C. reserved D. robust

5. During our stay in Europe we visited many places of __ _ interest, including several castles. (U2—A)

A. periodical B. historical C. identical D. economical

6. She was always very generous in her ______, which aroused the attention from the public gradually. (U2—A)

A. simplicity B. charity C. purity D. capacity

7. A warm-up is important before a run so as not to ______ any muscles. (U2—A)

A. strain B. stain C. strive D. struggle


8. Learning effective ways to communicate can ______ the situation of a difficult relationship, reduce the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers. (U2—A)

A. conserve B. reverse C. preserve D. reveal

9. I hope her ______ wound will heal with the passing of time.

A. emotional B. rational C. national D. gradual

10. The new system designed to ____harmful emissions from factories will be put into use soon. (U2—A)

A. care B. cure C. curb D. disturb

11. The criminal wishes to ______ and lead a respectable life. (U2—A)

A. struggle with B. stretch up C. strive against D. straighten up

12. During the period of adjustment, the international student tends to ______ about everything in the new environment. (U2—B)

A. compete B. compare C. complete D. complain

13. They plunged into their work with ______ zeal. (U2—B) A. immense B. immature C. imminent D. immune

14. The sharp ______ in house price makes it difficult for young people to buy houses, especially in big cities. (U2—B)

A. surprise B. surge C. share D. shape

15. Large numbers of birds ______ south every winter. (U2—B)

A. migrate B. emigrate C. immigrate D. emerge

16. Some old people tend to be quite conservative and a bit ______ of supposed advances. (U2—B)

A. suspicious B. conspicuous C. ridiculous D. delicious

17. Many types of animals have now ______ from the earth due to the environmental problems. (U2—B)

A. punished B. polished C. pinched D. vanished

18.I had to walk very fast to ______ you. (U2—B)

A. overtake B. overcome C. overturn D. overthrow

19. The police appealed to the crowd for ______ because the situation was nearly out of


control. (U2—B)

A. release B. reference C. reluctance D. restraint

20. After the quarrel, things became very ______ between me and boss, and as a result I had to give up my job. (U2—B)

A. distributive B. delicate C. distinct D. delicious

21. They have witnessed a leap in economic growth in the past decade, but now the growth is ______. (U2—B)

A. slowing down B. running away C. making sense D. taking off

22.The project was ______ for lack of fund. (U2—B)

A. hung around B. hung over C. hung in D. hung up

23.She didn’t feel like talking about the matter on the phone, so she ______. (U2—B)

Key to Unit 2(BI)

1-10 D A A B B B A B A C 11-20 D D A B A A D A D B 21-23 A D C

Unit 3,Book1

1. The president of the university said that they were trying their best to ______ their university into a top school in the country. (U3-A) A. transfer

B. transform

C. transmit D. transit

A. hung on B. hung back C. hung up D. hung out

2. Students and faculty in the university have free ______ to the computer lab. (U3-A) A. access

B. excuse

C. excess D. entrance

3. The management of the college is ______ satisfactory. (U3-A) A. less than

B. no less than

C. better than

D. no more than

4. Homework should not be used as a(n) ______ of controlling children. (U3-A) A. method

B. mean

C. means

D. aim

5. He is heartbroken over this earthquake and he would like to _____ an orphan from the area. (U3-A)


A. adapt B. adjust C. addict D. adopt

6. According to the survey, students and children ______ more than 50% of the visitors to Disneyland last year. (U3-A) A. counted for B. counted

C. accounted for D. accounted

7. The state wants to cut away $40 million from the higher education ______. (U3-A) A. finance B. budget

C. cost

D. expense

8. It is stupid to think that women are ______ in intelligence ______ men. (U3-A) A. prior…to

B. inferior…to

C. inferior…than D. superior…than

9. Do take care of yourself. Nothing can ______ for the loss of one’s health. (U3-A) A. compensate B. compete

C. comprise

D. comprehend

10. Mother set the pace so that her children would ______ her. (U3-A) A. put up with

B. end up with

C. pick up with

D. keep up with

11. To remain ______ in the local market, the quality of our products needs to be improved. (U3-A)

A. competent

B. competitive

C. comparative

D. constructive

12. I went through about four years of being ______ video games. (U3-B) A. addictive to

B. related to

C. addicted to

D. indulged to

13. Ten years of working and saving money ______ him to afford an apartment of moderate size. (U3-B) A. enabled

B. engaged

C. encouraged D. made

14. Your plan is not workable; we must ______ an alternative method. (U3-B) A. come up with B. keep up with C. catch up with D. make up with

15. Such an incident does ______ health and safety concerns. (U3-B) A. get to

B. bring to

C. cause for

D. give rise to

16. The government official was ______ accepting bribes. (U3-B) A. accused with B. sued of

C. charged for

D. charged with

17. In all, 20 companies are ______ in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft. (U3-B)