基于企业生命周期的海澜之家人力资源管理研究_毕业设计论文 精品 下载本文

洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文)


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洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) Based On Enterprise Life Cycle Of Heilan Home Of Human Resource Management Research


Human resources management, as an independent discipline system, as a modern business management an important part of the whole system, about appeared in the 1960 s. It studies how to management and use the most effective and reasonable enterprise owned by the most valuable resources - its employees' talents and enthusiasm, so as to achieve the stated goals of the enterprise, to maximize the economic benefit and social benefit. We know that an enterprise from the establishment to the death to experience: initial, growth, maturity, and decline the four different life cycles. Taken different enterprises in different life cycle of human resource management model is not the same, in this paper, the Heilan Home as the research object, according to the theory of enterprise life cycle and human resource management theory as the theoretical basis, through the Heilan Home of human resource management aspects of the comprehensive thorough analysis, adopt the method of performance index system of possessions of Heilan Homebefore life cycle phase, and the Heilan Home before the stage of life cycle of human resource management model, to find the Heilan Home of present human resources management problems, and then through the enterprise life cycle theory, human resources management theory and the Heilan Home environment, the actual development situation, the strategic objectives of human resources and enterprise combining the total strategic goal, find a solution to the Heilan Homeof present human resources management countermeasures.

KEY WORDS:life cycle,performance evaluation, human resource management


洛阳理工学院毕业设计(论文) 目 录

前言 ..................................................... 1 第1章 基于企业不同生命周期的人力资源管理理论综述 ........ 2 1.1 不同生命周期的人力资源管理内容 .................... 2 1.2 不同生命周期的人力资源管理特点 .................... 3 1.2.1 企业初创期人力资源管理特点 ................... 3 1.2.2 成长期的人力资源管理特点 ..................... 3 1.2.3 成熟期人力资源管理特点 ....................... 4 1.2.4 衰退期人力资源管理特点 ....................... 4 1.3 不同生命周期的人力资源管理作用 .................... 4 第2章 对海澜之家所处生命周期的界定 ...................... 6 2.1 海澜之家的介绍 .................................... 6 2.2 界定企业生命周期的业绩评价指标体系 ................ 6 2.2.1 业绩指标体系的设计思路 ....................... 7 2.2.2 业绩指标体系的基本框架 ....................... 7 2.2.3 界定海澜之家所处的生命周期阶段 ............... 9 2.2.4 界定结果 .................................... 12 第3章 现阶段海澜之家人力资源管理存在的问题 ............. 13 3.1 缺乏科学的人力资源规划,人才储备不足 ............................ 14 3.2 人力资源开发、培训的力度不够........................................... 15 3.3 缺乏行之有效的激励措施 ....................................................... 16 3.4 绩效考核制度模糊 ................................................................... 16