繁昌一中2014年高一自主招生试卷英语试卷 下载本文

英 语 试 卷

(时间100分钟 满分100分)


从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. — The singer looks very beautiful.

— But she was ugly before she tidied up her appearance(整容). You ____ believe it! A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. wouldn’t D. might not

( )2. Rather than _______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _______ home.

A. riding; to cycle B. riding; cycling C. to ride; cycling D. ride; to cycle

( )3. My cousin Betty is the black _________ of the family

A. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep

( )4. — Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary. — She . I’ve already borrowed one.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t ( )5. — Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? — Thank you. .

A. Of course you can B. If you like C. It’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better ( )6. Our country is now short of natural gas oil and other types of . A. strength B. energy C. power D. material

( )7. I wonder very much the tickets for Zhang Jie concert tomorrow have . A. if; been sold away B. that; been sold out C. if; sold out D. whether; been sold out ( )8. — He promised to come to see you.

— But he . I’ve been all alone.

A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. hasn’t D. won’t

( )9. in the driving test twice, he decided it again. A.To fail; not to take B. Having failed; not to take

C. On failing; not taking D. Failing; not to take

( )10. — Don’t be frustrated. Have another try, OK? — .

A. With pleasure B. It’s my pleasure C. No problem D. Good idea ( )11. — Will Susan come to your birthday party?

— I don’t know. She didn’t give me a reply. A. right B. straight C. special D. direct ( )12. — Did Cindy do best in the English exam?

— No, but of all the students she did .

A. the worst B. the most carelessly C. the best D. the most carefully ( )13. — Mom says that we won’t visit Hong Kong Disneyland this summer vacation. —

A. I think so. B. How come? C. Thank you. D. Have a good time! ( )14. — Would you go to the movie with us tommorrow?

— If you don’t mind, . Ihave a lot of things to do. A. I’d like not B. I’d rather not C. I’d like to D. I’d rather do ( )15. — I used to be a really big girl!

— ! I mean you are very thin. A. Me too B. I agree C. You are kidding D. Well done



阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 The dad of a six-year-old boy said the balloon story was true. Millions of people across America 16 the news as the ballon flew thousands of feet above the ground. They thought six-year-old Falcon Heene was flying 17 the balloon after his brother said he saw Falcon climb in. But when the balloon 18 after 50 miles of flying, Falcon wasn’t there — he’d been hiding at home all long. He’d climbed into a box in the family’s loft(阁楼), and when people 19 the house they didn’t find him. But after two hours, Falcon was found. Some people decided that meant the whole thing had been 20 to get the family in the news and on TV. Falcon’s dad, Richard Heene, is said to have used the 21 silver balloon to track(跟踪) the weather. He said he’d got 22 with Falcon for climbing into a compartment(隔间) in the tied-down balloon on Thursday before it was accidentally released(放开). But no one realized Falcon had got out of the balloon 23 it flew off.

Later Falcon said he got scared when his dad 24 at him so he hid in the loft. “I heard shouting but I didn’t really want to come out soon, or he’ll shout at me and I’ll probably get into 25 ,” he said. His dad said he was sorry he’d shouted at Falcon and was just pleased he’d been found safe and well. ( ) 16. A. bought B. watched C. listened D. looked ( ) 17. A. below B. above C. inside D. outside ( ) 18. A. took B. landed C. shot D. broke ( ) 19. A. looked B. found C. searched D. discovered ( ) 20. A. made up B. put up C. got up D. picked up ( ) 21. A. slow B. fast C. huge D. small ( ) 22. A. sad B. glad C. strict D. angry ( ) 23. A. before B. later C. ahead D. after ( ) 24. A. talked B. cried C. smiled D. shouted ( ) 25. A. surprise B. trouble C. problem D. danger Ⅲ、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



In some big companies, most bosses have lots of rules. The most common rule is to stop the workers from suring the Internet. But according to a new study, workers who are allowed to spend time reading news or chatting with friends online are more productive(有成效的) than those who are stopped from doing so. And the fun time

must be written a reasonable time of less than 20% of their full time in the office.

It seems strange to allow the workers to surf the Internet for fun at work time. But people need to have a short rest to get back their concentration. Think back when we were in school, we had to have ten minutes’ break after a class. That is to say after a short rest we can be more energetic.

For most workers, the work time is longer than a 45-minute class. Looking through the web pages can refresh(使恢复精力) their minds and help them come back to the work at hand with more care. If they are stopped from surfing the Internet, they may be tired so that they couldn’t do the work well.

“Short breaks make the mind rest itself,” said Dr. Coker. But bosses can’t give too much free time, after all, a four-hour game won’t do the company any good. Tell your boss about this to see if he can give you a break during work time.


( ) 26. What’s the most common company rule according to the passage?

A.To stop the workers going out. B. To stop the workers surfing the Internet.

C. To stop the workers having a rest. D. To stop the workers reading newspapers.

( ) 27. If a company has eight hours’ work time, how long should the boss give the workers to have fun? A. Less than 1.6 hours. B. More than 2 hours.

C. More than 6 hours D. Less than 3 hours.

( ) 28. Why should the boss allow the workers to have a short rest during work time? A. Because the workers like computer games.

B. Because the workers want to chat with friends online. C. Because the boss needs to have a rest.

D. Because the workers need to have a short rest to get back their concentration.

( ) 29. What does the underlined word “they” refer to in the third paragraph?

A. The students. B. The teachers. C. The workers. D. The bosses.

( ) 30. What does the author mean by saying “a four-hour game won’t do the company any good” in the

last paragraph?

A. The boss shouldn’t give too much fun time.

B. A four-hour game is good for the company.

C. The workers should play a four-hour game in the office. D. The workers can be more energetic after a four-hour game.


For the first time in Hong Kong's history, an entertainer(艺人)has been written into middle school textbooks. He is considered one of the best actors in Hong Kong. Yes, he is Chow Yun Fat. The example of his long hard struggle for success has been used in a chapter(章)in a middle school textbook. Using his experience, students can learn to make the most of their time and to grab (抓住)every opportunity to succeed. On hearing about this, Chow said happily, “I really hope that my experiences can make young people understand that one should not be afraid of difficulties and setbacks(挫折), for they are the only way to success.”

Indeed, Chow has travelled a long and difficult path to reach his success. In 1955, he was born into a poor family in Hong Kong. When he was 17, he had to leave school. He worked in a number of jobs—as a postman, camera salesman and taxi driver. These experiences paved the way for him to play all kinds of roles later in life.

Chow broke into the film industry in the late 1970s. He was one of the hardest actors and starred in a number of popular TV dramas and films including “Shanghai Bund” and “A Better Tomorrow”. Since 1985 he has won many awards including Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards and Hong Kong Film Awards .

In 1995 he went to Hollywood. Although he was already in his 40s, he had to learn English. He even put chopsticks in his mouth to practise pronouncing certain sounds. His film, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, began to gain him more fame and recognition around the world. In 1998 the mayor of Chicago set aside January 12 as “Chow Yun Fat Day.”

( )31. Chow Yun Fat has been written into middle school textbooks mainly because . A. he plays best in Hong Kong B. he keeps on struggling for success C. his experiences are very special D. he is well thought of

( )32. Chow Yun Fat felt when he learned that he had been written into middle school textbooks. A. happy B. surprised C. sad D. shy