1. Innovationand hard work are the cornerstones of this company.
2. The children seemedto prosperundertheir grandparent’s care.
3. The sweepof the court’s decision could affect all car manufacturers
法院的决策将席卷整个汽车制造业。 席卷修改成波及(席卷程度太深) 法院的决策将波及整个汽车制造业。
4. Some people seemtothriveonthe pressure ofworkingunder a deadline.
5. Farmers have bounced backfrom difficult times in the 1980s.
6. According to economic projections, China will overtake the USA in ten years.
7. The planet cannotsustainmore than 6 billion people. 这个星球不能维持60亿多人生存。
8. He could barely disguise hisscornfor her. 他几乎无法掩饰对她的蔑视。
9. The law prevents job discrimination againstminoritiesandwomen.
10. Western leaders put the trade talks back on course. 西方领导人把贸易谈判提上日程。 二、单词对应
1. American companies have an advantage over their competition in this technology. (edge) 美国公司在技术上有竞争优势。
2. Skinner’s ideas were looked down upon by many American psychologists. (scorned)
看不起翻译成不认可(看不起观点不搭配,不认可观点) 很多美国心理学家不认可Skinner的观点。
3. The plants thrivedin the warm sun. (flourished) 植物在温暖的阳光下茁壮生长。
4.The reportemphasizes theimportance of childhood immunizations. (underscores) 这个报告强调了儿童免疫接种的重要性。
5. The kids wandered about the neighborhood. (roamed) 孩子们在社区附近闲逛。
6. They used to work together in this dirty factory. (grimy) 他们曾经在这个肮脏的工厂里一起工作。
7. We stayed in the suburbs ofthe capital. (outskirts ) 我们待在首都的郊区。
8. This university’sprestige attracts students all over the world. (stature ).
这所大学的声望吸引了世界各地的学生。 三、句子翻译
1. But before New Yorkers become too full of themselves, it might be worthwhile to glance atdilapidated Kaifeng in central China.
2. As expressed in this column’s headline - translated from Chinese, a language of thefuture that more Americans should start learning -“glory is as ephemeral as smoke andclouds.” 以广大的美国人民都应学习的未来的语言表达出来,一如前面的中文