2019-2020年六年级英语上册第四单元测试题(2) 下载本文



1. Listen and circle(听录音二次,圈出你听到的字母组合)(5%) 1) A. AC B. BD 2)A. ce B. dh 3) A. TK B. GP 4) A. mn B. op 5) A. jgq B. gjp

2. Listen and circle(听录音二次,圈出与你所听内容相符的图片)(5%)


B A ⑤

B ③

A B A B A B 3. Listen and choose.(听录音二次,选出你所听到的信息,把字母编号写在括号里)(10%)

( )1)A. USA B. PRC C. UK ( )2)A. cat B. kite C. sky ( )3)A. math B. English C. Chinese ( )4)A. goes to bed B. goes to work C. goes home ( )5) A. tree B. green C. three

4. Listen and choose.(听句子二次,然后选择正确的答句)(10%) ( )1)A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, I am. ( )2)A. Thank you! B. Great.

( )3)A. I like collecting stamps B. I can collect stamps. ( )4)A. No, she isn’t . B. No, she doesn’t.

① ②④

( )5)A. Fine, thanks! B. Thank you! 二、笔试部分(70%)

1. Look and write the big letters(请用大写字母规范书写)(5%)

a h f j z

2. Put the letters in order(把下列字母按正确的顺序排列)(5%)

BAC pno WUV dec TSR

3. Circle and write(根据汉语圈出正确的单词,并写在四线格里)(10%)

鸭 子gobduckam hobbyagd 爱好 苹 果nubapplesta apjufivea 五 自行车adyhbike

4. Look and choose(看图选择正确的单词或词组)(5%) 1) ( )A. watches TV B. reads newspaper. 2) ( )A. teaches English B. teaches math

3) ( )A. goes to work by bike B. goes to work by subway. 4) ( )A. swimming B. diving

5) ( )A. making kites B. collecting stamps

﹙1﹚ ﹙2﹚ ﹙3﹚ ﹙4﹚ ﹙5﹚ 5. Read and choose(读下面的句子选择正确的图画)(10%)

6. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的选项)(15%)

( )1).在电话里介绍自己说:A. I’m John B. This is John.

( )2).你有事打断别人的交谈时,你应说:A. Excuse me B. I’m sorry ( )3).你向别人打听Amy的年龄,你应该说:A. How old are you? B. How old

is she?

( )4).第一次碰到某人,你应该说:A. Nice to meet you! B. How are you? ( )5) What’s your name? A. I’m Mike. B. Sure.

( )6. Nice to meet you! A. I’m fine. B. Nice to meet you, too. ( )7. What’s your hobby? I like ____. A. swim B. swimming ( )8. May I ____ your bike? —Sorry. A. ride B. read ( )9. Thank you! A. Great B. You are welcome.

( )10. Does your penpal live in Shanghai? A. He is tall and strong. B. Yes, he


( )11. Does she teach English ? A. Yes, she doesn’t. B. No, she doesn’t. ( )12. He ____ by bus. A. go to work B. goes to work

( )13. What is John’s hobby? A. I like drawing B. He likes drawing ( ) 14. She____ in the evening. A.watches TV B.read newspaper ( ) 15. It is____ apple. A .a B. an