新疆乌鲁木齐市2017-2018学年八年级第一学期期中英语试卷 下载本文



第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共75分) 听力部分(共20分)

Ⅰ. 图片理解(听两遍)。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1.

A B C ( )2.

星期五 星期六 A B C ( )3

A. B. C. ( )4.

A. B. ( )5.

A. B C


C.Ⅱ.听句子,选最佳答案 (听两遍)。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. A. By bus B. At home C. At the foot of the hill. ( )7. A. Last month. B. Three times a month. C. With my family. ( )8. A. Yes, Danny likes it. B. Danny is outgoing. C. Danny. ( )9. A. Sweet supermarket. B. It’s 2 kilometers from here. C. It is cheap. ( )10. A. Every Thursday evening. B. It’s interesting. C. I watch it with friends. Ⅲ.短文理解(每小题2分,共10分)。 ( )11. Where did Rena meet Dennis?

A. At the Sweet Theater.

B. In Shanghai.

C. On her way home.

( )12. When will Wonderful World be put on?

A. Next Friday night. B. This Friday night. C. This Friday afternoon. ( )13. Why can’t Dennis go to see the movies ?

A. He has to go to Shanghai. B. He has to look after his daughter.

C. He has to go to a party.

( )14.What is the woman’s favorite movie ?

A. Action movies. B. Serious movies. C. Comedies. ( )15. Who is going to see the movie with Rena ?

A. Lisa. B. Tina. C. Her sister.



( )16. -Look!There is umbrella here.Is it yours?

-Oh, no. ______umbrella is Linda’s.

A.a; 不填 B.an;The C.a / The D.an; 不填

( )17.—Why didn’t you buy that skirt yesterday? It’s beautiful.

—Because I had money with me.

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

( )18.Mary is high school student. She comes from Malaysia.

A.a 18-year-old B.a 18 years old C.an 18-year-old D.an 18 years old

( )19.Look! Your bag is a little smaller than .

A.his B.her C.my D.their

( )20.There is a singing competition this afternoon. I hope _____excellent grades.

A.get B.to get C.make D.to make

( )21.Who listens , Tom, Jack or bill?

A.the most carefully B.more carefully C.the most careful D.more careful

( )22.I have to tell you.

A.anything exciting B.exciting something C.exciting anything D.something exciting

( )23.Lucy is than Lily.

A.more outgoing B.most outgoing C.the more outgoing D.the most outgoing

( )24. — ?

—It was my first time there, so it was really interesting. A.How did you like it B.How did you think of it C.What were you like D.What did you like

( )25.Autumn is coming. The weather is getting_______? A. cool and cool B. The cooler and the cooler C. cooler and cooler D. The coolest and the coolest ( )26.—When you the magazine ? —Last month.

A. do; bought B. did; bought C. do; buy D. did; buy ( )27.—How often do you exercise?

— .

A. At three o’clock B. Three hours C. Sometimes D. In two hours ( )28.Yao Ming is Chinese basketball player that ever played in NBA. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( )29.David is ____ with Mr. Miller’s ___ talking. He can’t wait for its end.

A. boring; bored B. bored; bored

C. boring; boring D. bored; boring ( )30.—What do you think of the room ?

— It’s too dirty.

A. I like it. B. I love it. C. I can’t stand it. D. I don’t mind it


There is nobody in the world the same___31___ you. You are unique(独特唯一的!). Everybody is___32___from everyone else. __33___ it makes the world an interesting place. There are people taller___34___ you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same color