2018高中英语每日一题(第6周)现在分词短语作状语1 下载本文


重要程度:★★★★★ 难易程度:★★★☆☆

(2017·天津)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, ___________ more patients to be treated. A. being allowed

B. allowing D. allowed

C. having allowed 【参考答案】B


动词的-ing形式(短语)可以在句中作状语来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,用来表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、让步、方式或伴随情况等。表示时间、原因或条件时,通常位于句子的前部;表示方式、伴随或结果时,通常位于句子的后部。 1. 作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句 2. 作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句 3. 作条件状语,相当于条件状语从句 4. 作让步状语,相当于让步状语从句

动词-ing短语作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句,有时它的前面可带有连词although,whether,even if,even though等。 5. 作方式状语或伴随状语

6. 表示结果,作结果状语,相当于结果状语从句。

通常放在句末,中间有逗号隔开,表示一种自然的、顺理成章的结果。 【特别注意】


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1. 单句改错

①After suffering a heart attack, Michael Jackson was pronounced dead, marked a tragic end to the world’s most popular entertainer.


②Having shown around the factory, they were very happy.


③Mary sat by the window of the classroom reads a book.


④Use your head, you’ll find the right way to do it.


⑤Heard the news, we jumped with joy.


⑥Their car got stuck in the mud on the way, thus caused the delay.


2. 用括号内动词的适当形式填空

①The sunlight is white and blinding, (throw) shadows on the ground. ②Do you wake up every morning (feel) energetic and ready to start a new day?

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③When I was a little girl, my mother used to sit by my bed, (tell) me stories till I fell asleep.

④ (walk) in the street, she saw an old friend.

3. (2016·北京) __________ over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.

A. Ordering C. Having ordered

B. To order

D. Ordered

4. (2016·天津) The cooling wind swept through out bedroom windows, _________ air conditioning unnecessary. A. making C. made

B. to make

D. being made

5. (2016·浙江) I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do with students.

A. working C. to work

B. work D. worked

6. (2015·湖南) When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ground, ___________ whether to stay or leave. A. wondering C. to wonder

B. wonder D. wondered

1. ①marked→marking ②Having后加been ③reads→reading

④Use→Using或you’ll前加and ⑤Heard→Hearing

⑥caused→causing或者thus→and 【解析】句意:在路上他们的车陷在淤泥里,因而导致了延误。thus是副词,causing the delay作结果状语,表示意料之中的结果。或者thus改为连词and,and连接并列谓语动词got和caused。故caused改为causing或者thus改

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