(完整word版)人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语全套堂堂清课课练一课一练作业及答案 下载本文

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Period 5


( )1.Where did you go on your holiday? A. Last Saturday. ( )2.How did you go there? B. Beijing. ( ) 3.When was your last trip? C. By bus.

( ) 4.Did you have a good time? D. Sang and danced. ( ) 5.What did you do on your holiday? E. Yes ,I did. 二、用所给的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上。 A:Hello, Mike._______________________________ B:I went to Dalian on my holiday.

A:_________________________________________ B:It was warm.

A:_________________________________________ B:I went there by plane.

A:_________________________________________ B:I rowed a boat and went swimming. A:Did you eat any good food?

B:_______________________ I like the food there. A. How did you go there? B. Where did you go on your holiday? C. Yes ,I did. D. What did you do there? E. What was the weather like?

Period 6

一、 小小翻译家

1. We left Beijing on February 1st. ___________________________________ 2. We bought presents for my friends. ____________________________________ 3. We got back to Beijing by plane on the 7th. ____________________________________

4. We relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school. ____________________________________ 二、 用所给单词填空

went last did got bought

It was a long holiday. We went Shanghai on January 1st and _______to Jilin on the 2nd .On the first day, I went to a park with my father and my mother. On the 3rd ,I ______skiing. On the 4th ,I __________ my homework. On the 5th ,I went ice-skating. On the 6th ,I __________presents for my friends. On the 7th ,we got back by plane. For the ________ day of the holiday, we relaxed.