2018-2019北京市海淀区高三英语第一学期期末试卷(含答案) 下载本文


语法填空:21. for 22. finest 23. trying 24. helpful 25. are given/will be given 26. to save 27. started 28. scientists 29. which 30. quickly 完型:31-35:BACCD

36-40:ADBCD 41-45:AACDB 46-50:DACBB

阅读:51-55:CACDC 56-60:BBCDA 61-65:ABADD 66-70:GBDEF 第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35分) 第一节(15分)

One Possible Version

Dear Jim,

How is it going? In your email, you mentioned you wanted to know my greatest harvest in the past year, so now I’m very delighted to share it with you.

Last October, I celebrated my 18th birthday with my classmates, symbolizing that I have grown up. Learning to take the responsibility as an adult is the biggest reward for me and it has many positive influences on my life. Firstly, I am much clearer about my goal in life and I feel highly motivated to achieve it. More importantly, I learn to appreciate what I have already had. The love and dedication of my teachers and parents keep me going, and all I need to do now is to play my part.

When it comes to the coming year, I do hope I can achieve my dream and be admitted to my ideal university. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope all your best dreams can come true!

Looking forward to your good news. Yours, Li Hua


One Possible Version

Last Friday night, faced with overwhelming academic tasks, I found myself on the verge of breaking down. With Gaokao approaching day by day, I was under great pressure. Having noticed all this, Mom suggested I relax a little bit during the weekend.

The next morning, my parents and I went to the park for a walk. The pavement there was covered with fallen leaves in yellow and orange, creating a unique scenery for this season. Holding a leaf in hand, I casually exchanged anecdotes with my parents, feeling the relaxation that I had been missing for a long time.

After lunch, we went rock climbing. Though the wall was high and steep, I was determined to conquer it. With my parents’ encouragement, I eventually managed to reach the top. At that moment, my confidence was restored.

On Monday morning, my parents saw me off at the school gate. Their warm smiles and raised thumbs

filled me with energy. I waved them goodbye and promised to devote myself to the preparation for Gaokao. This weekend would go a long way with me as it was a new starting point, from which I believe I could go far