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1¡¢Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´Ê+ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê¡£Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´ÊÓëÏÖÔÚ·Ö´ÊÖ®¼äµÄÖ÷ν¹Øϵ¡£È磺 The girl staring at him (= As the girl stared at him), he didn¡¯t know what to say.
Time permitting (= If time permits), we will go for an outing tomorrow. Èç¹ûʱ¼äÔÊÐíµÄ»°£¬ÎÒÃÇÃ÷ÌìÈ¥½¼ÓΡ£
2¡¢Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´Ê+¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê¡£Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´ÊÓë¹ýÈ¥·Ö´ÊÖ®¼äµÄ¶¯±ö¹Øϵ¡£È磺 The problems solved (= As the problems were solved), the quality has been improved.
Her glasses broken (= Because her glasses were broken), she couldn¡¯t see the words on the blackboard.
He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help. ½èÖúÓÚһЩ¾ÉÁã¼þ£¬ËûÒª×öÒ»¸ö·É»úÄ£ÐÍ¡£
They said good-bye to each other, one to go home, the other to go to the bookstore.
ËûÃǵÀ±ðºó£¬Ò»¸ö»ØÁ˼ң¬Ò»¸öÈ¥ÁËÊéµê¡£ 4¡¢Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´Ê+ÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£È磺
An air accident happened to the plane, nobody alive.
So many people absent, the meeting had to be called off. Õâô¶àÈËȱϯ£¬»áÒé²»µÃ²»È¡Ïû¡£ 5¡¢Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´Ê+¸±´Ê¡£È磺
He put on his sweater wrong side out. Ëû°ÑëÒ´©·´ÁË¡£
The meeting over, they all went home. »áÒéÒ»½áÊø£¬ËûÃǾͶ¼»Ø¼ÒÁË¡£ 6¡¢Ãû´Ê/Ö÷¸ñ´ú´Ê+½é´Ê¶ÌÓï¡£È磺
The boy goes to the classroom, book in hand. ÄÇÄк¢ÊÖÀïÄÃ×ÅÊéÈ¥½ÌÊÒ¡£
Mary was sitting near the fire, her back towards the door. ÂêÀö¿¿½ü»ð¯×ø×Å£¬±³¶Ô×ÅÃÅ¡£ Àý¾ä·ÖÎö
½ñÌìÊÇÐÇÆÚÌ죬Äã²»±ØÈ¥ÉÏѧ¡£ ÔÒò´Ó¾ä£º
Because it is Sunday, you needn¡¯t go to school. Ö÷Óï
It being Sunday, you needn¡¯t go to school. (¡Ì) ·Ö´Ê Âß¼ÉϵÄÖ÷Óï
£¨It being Sunday ¹¹³É¶ÀÁ¢Ö÷¸ñ½á¹¹ÔÚ¾ä×ÓÖÐ×÷ÔÒò×´Ó Being Sunday, you needn¡¯t go to school. (¡Á) £¨Òò·Ö´ÊµÄÂß¼Ö÷Óï²»ÊǾä×ÓµÄÖ÷ÓËùÒÔ¾ä×Ó´íÎó¡££©
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All the officials having arrived, the meeting was declared open. ·Ö´ÊÂß¼ÉϵÄÖ÷Óï