大学生社会实践-论读书的重要性调查报告 下载本文



不管社会的发展速度有多快,都不可否定读书的重要性。也许这个话题略显老套,但在调查结果之下,显示我们缺乏阅读。在这个暑假中,我通过与同学们的讨论、自身体验、社会调查、资料收集等方式得出这样一个结论,大多数人都可以认识到读书的重要性、缺乏的是行动上重视和积极的态度。本次调查报告我通过对读书重要性阐述、阻碍读书原因的分析和给出合理的建议和方法,希望大家可以在以后的生活中重视阅读、会阅读,进而可以更好的提升自己。 关键词:读书 调查 分析 提升


No matter how fast the society development, do not deny the importance of reading. Maybe this topic slightly cliche, but under the survey results, showing our lack of reading. In this summer vacation, I through discussions with the students, the own experience, social investigation, information collection and other draw such a conclusion, most people can realize the importance of reading, the lack of is pay great attention and positive attitude. The survey report me through reading importance to hinder reading reasons analysis gives reasonable suggestions and methods, hope that we can in the future life in the importance of reading, reading, and can be used to improve Own.

Key words:Reading survey analysis Promote


1读书的重要性 .............................................. 1 1.1人为什么要读书 ....................................... 1 1.1.1年轻人的“肤浅” ................................ 1 1.1.2培养属于自己的气质 .............................. 1 1.1.3不再依赖于网络信息 .............................. 1 1.2书在当今社会扮演的角色 ............................... 2 1.2.1书籍是人类进步的阶梯 ............................ 2 1.2.2社会的未来发展还得靠读书人 ...................... 2 2目前读书现状和出现的问题 .................................. 3 2.1全民阅读最新分析 ..................................... 3 2.2读书主要出现的问题 ................................... 3 3对于读书的建议 ............................................ 5 4总结 ...................................................... 7 参考文献 ................................................... 8