2016-2017学年牛津译林版初中英语七年级上下册全册知识点归纳总结【推荐】 下载本文

2016-2017学年牛津译林版初中英语 七年级上册全册知识点归纳总结

Unit1 This is me

一、词组 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 一只电子狗 这只狗的主人 看书 早上好/ 下午好/晚上好/ 晚安 见到你很高兴 欢迎来到七年级一班 在七年级 十二岁 一个8/11岁的女孩 an e-dog the master of the dog / the dog‘s master read books Good morning / afternoon / evening / night! Nice / Glad / Pleased to meet / see you! Welcome to Class One, Grade Seven in Grade 7 twelve years old an eight /eleven – year – old girl have long black hair tall and slim like / enjoy reading / swimming / dancing / sports play football / basketball / volleyball play computer games play with a ball after class / school be from / come from be good at / do well in (sth / doing sth) Let‘s meet my new classmates. live with my family in Nanjing wear glasses all the lessons how to look after your e-dog 10、 长着乌黑的短发 11、 又高又苗条 11、 喜欢阅读/游泳/跳舞/运动 12、 踢足球 /打篮球/ 排球 13、 玩电脑游戏 14、 玩球 15、 课后 / 放学后 16、 来自 17、 擅长 18、 让我们来见见我的新同学 19、 和家人住在南京 20、 戴眼镜 21、 所有的功课 22、 如何照顾你的宠物狗 二、句型和知识点: 1、介绍自己:I am Amy. / My name is Simon. 2、介绍别人:This is….

3、询问别人的名字 What‘s your name? 回答:I‘m….. / My name is…. May I know your name? Yes, I‘m…

Are you Mr Green? Yes I am. / Sorry. I‘m Mr Brown.

4、 be nice to do sth 很高兴做某事 I‘m nice / glad _________you. 很高兴见到你。 5、let sb do sth.让某人做某事 Let me see / Let‘s go now.

Let ______________. 让他进来吧。

6、她长着长发。She _____ _____ _____. = _______ ______ ______ long. 7、提问外貌: What is he like? / What ______ he ______ _______?

8、谈论国籍: Where _______ you from? / Where ______ you come from? I am from / come from China. = I am ____________.

He is from _______ . = He ______ from ______. = He is ____________. (他是英国人) She ________________. = She __________________. (她来自美国。)

9、谈论出生地 – be born-----Where ______ you born? I ____________ in Nanjing. 10、谈论爱好:(1) like / love / enjoy doing sth

(2) My hobby is playing football. (3) be good at / do well in ( doing) She is good at swimming. = She does well in dancing. = She ______ ______.= She is a _____ _______.

注意 do well in 的否定句 例如:他不擅长跳舞。He ____________________________. 11、everyone 每个人,大家 =everybody (三单)

我们班每个人都喜欢听音乐。Everyone in our class __________________________. 我们中的每一个人_____________________

12、区别all (三者或三者以上都)/ both(两者都) (1) _______ of my parents work in a hospital. (2) My friends and I _______ want to go traveling.

三、语法:一般现在时(be 动词)

(一) 一般现在时可以用于以下几种情况: 一般现在时常与never, seldom, sometimes, 1.表示人或事物现在的状态,如: often, usually, always, every day, every week, He is twelve. / She is at home. every month, in the morning, in the evening, 2.表示经常的或习惯性的动作,如: once a week, on Sundays,等时间状语连用。 I go to school at 7:30 every day.每天七点半我上学。 3.表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:

David can speak English and Spanish. 会说英语和西班牙语。 / She likes apples.

4.表示普遍存在或某种客观事实。如: March comes after February.二月之后三月来到了。 The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。 (二)注意be动词am / is / are的用法


根据句意,用be动词的适当形式填空 1. You, he and I ______ from China. 2. _____ your sister at home?

3. ______ David and Helen from England? 4. One of the students ______ from the USA.

5. This pair of glasses _______ mine. Mine is at home. 6. _______ there any kites in the classroom? 7. _______ there any apple juice in the bottle? 8. Kate with her family _______ in Beijing.

9. There _______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 10.Ten years _______ a long time. 11. Don‘t ______ late for school.

12. I want _________ a good football player when I grow up. 句型转换

1.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ your pencils? 2.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ do you get up every day?

3. Jim and Simon are good at swimming.(改为一般疑问句) ______ Jim and Simon _____ ______ swimming?

3. He isn‘t good at playing football. (同义句)

(1) He ________________________ playing football. (2) He _____________ football _______. 4. Millie has long hair. (改为否定句) Millie _______ ______ long hair. 5. Daniel comes from London. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ Daniel _______? / ______ _____ Daniel ______ _______? 6. Jim likes drawing. (对划线部分提问) _______ ______ Jim ________ _______?