我国中小企业人本管理存在的问题与对策研究-毕业论文 下载本文


摘 要


关键词:人本管理 人力资源 企业




In today's economic globalization and knowledge process intensifies, small and medium-sized enterprises will face a new round of great development opportunities, talents have become enterprises to establish competitive advantage, and grasp the key opportunities for development. With the development of management theory, the modern enterprise management has entered a stage of humanistic management. Application of humanistic management theory in the enterprise become represent the general trend. The management is the soul of enterprise management, human-based management is a \management activities of the most important resources, all the members of the organization as the subject of management, focusing on how to make full use of the organization and development of human resources, stakeholders in the organization of inside and outside, thus to achieve organizational goals and personal goals member organization. This paper is based on the theory and application of the management of people, taking enterprise W as an example, analyzes the problems existing in the process of the management of the enterprise, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.

Key word:Humanistic management Human resources Small and medium-sized




目 录

引言????????????????????????????????1 一、人本管理的内涵和特点??????????????????????2

1、人本管理的内涵????????????????????????2 2、人本管理的特点????????????????????????2 二、中小企业人本管理的现状 ?????????????????????3 1、初步形成人本管理理念?????????????????????3 2、人本管理措施有待改进?????????????????????4 三、W企业人本管理的问题分析?????? ??????????????4

1、W企业的概况介绍???????????????????????5 2、W 企业实施人本管理的问题分析?????????????????6 四、W企业人本管理的优化措施? ???????????????????6 1、健全管理制度?????????????????????????6 2、加强对企业文化建设的重视???????????????????7

3、建立适合企业的激励机制????????????????????8 4、优化绩效考核体系???????????????????????9 结论???????????????????????????????10 参考文献?????????????????????????????11 致谢???????????????????????????????12