最新精品厦门大学2017年网络教育高中起点专科、本科入学考试《英语》模拟试题 下载本文



本期考试 共50题,总分100分


1、–Why was he so hot when he got home ? –He _______________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:D

A、was running B、is running C、has been running D、had been running

2、He did not catch the flight. He reached the airport shortly ___ the plane took

off.(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、after B、before C、where D、as

3、His face was badly ___ by the hot sun while he was working in Africa.(2.0分) 正

确答案:A A、burnt B、hurt C、hit D、shone

4、-___ times has he visited the Great Wall?

- Twice.(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、How many B、How much C、How often D、How long

5、–There has been an earthquake .

–I know . At least a hundred people ____________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:B

A、were to be killed

B、are said to have been killed C、said to have been killed

D、are said to kill

6、The teacher spoke loudly ___ the students could hear him clearly.(2.0分) 正

确答案:C A、so B、that C、so that

D、in order to

7、Everybody likes her. She always speaks in a ___ way.(2.0分) 正确答案:C

A、friendship B、friend C、friendly D、friends

8、Traveling is ___ , but we usually feel ___ when we are back home from travel.(2.0

分) 正确答案:A A、interesting,tired B、interested,tiring C、interesting,tiring D、interested,tired

9、China is one of ___ tea-growing countries in the world.(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、the largest B、largest C、larger D、the larger

10、One of the two men who ___ with my brother ___ an expensive can.(2.0分) 正

确答案:D A、works,has B、work,have C、works,have D、work,has

11、The new ___ library has been set up. Do you know how big it is?(2.0分) 正确


A、student’s B、students’ C、students D、student

12、–I started to study , but then a friend called . –That’s no excuse ____________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、for not studying B、not for studying C、not studying D、not to studying

13、It is dark, but he is ___ in the office.(2.0分) 正确答案:C

A、already B、yet C、still D、also

14、As soon as he entered the room, he ___ his cap and sat down.(2.0分) 正确答


A、took off B、took out

C、took away D、took down

15、–I have got this really painful ear . –How long ___________ you .(2.0分) 正确答案:D

A、does it bother B、was it bothering C、would it bother D、has it been bothering

16、I had to write a ___ report.(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、two-thousand-word B、two-thousand-words C、two thousand-word D、two thousand words

17、It’s too expensive. I can’t ___ it(2.0分) 正确答案:C

A、pay B、spent C、afford D、cost

18、Her father ___ ill yesterday and is now in hospital.(2.0分) 正确答案:D

A、took B、set C、caught D、fell

19、It’s time for the TV play. Would you please ___ the TV?(2.0分) 正确答案:B

A、turn off B、turn on C、turn into D、turn over

20、He is not satisfied ___ the results. He has decided to do it again(2.0分) 正

确答案:C A、at B、of C、with D、for

21、I regret ___ that I can’t stay here any longer, but I’ll come back soon.(2.0

分) 正确答案:C A、telling you B、having told you C、to tell you D、to have told you

22、___ will take part in the English Speaking Competition will be announced at

tomorrow’s meeting.(2.0分) 正确答案:A

A、Who B、Whom