高中英语 Unit19《Language》Lesson 1 学案(2) 北师大版选修7 下载本文

英语:Unit19《Language》Lesson 1 学案(2)(北师大版选修7)

Tips: Absence makes the heart fonder. Learning aims:

Review the important language points.(A级) Read and learn Para 4 and Para 5.(B、C级) Learning important points:

Master some new words and phrases.(B级) Learn more about the Noun Clauses.(D级) Learning difficult point: The usage of Noun Clauses. Learning procedures: Step I 单词拼写(A级) 1. n. 偷窃

2. vt. 告知、通知 4. vt. 保证 6. n. 目标

8. vt. 确保、保证

3. vt. 调节、调整 5. vt. 扩大 7. v. 加速

9. adj. 足够的,充分的 10. vt. 环绕,围绕 Step II 重点短语(B级) 1. 记住某事

2. 值得努力

3. 把某事告知某人 4. 使(自己)适应 5. 树立目标

6. 最高质量的

7. 以…的形式出现 8. 取得成功 9. 依靠、依赖 Step III 文句解析(C级)

1. To really get ahead, however, means putting in extra work outside of the classroom.

10. 在…不在时


To really get ahead 是不定式充当 mean doing sth 意思是 mean to do sth 意思是

2. Here are what they recommend. 译文:

本句采用 结构。 【知识回顾】

以here, there, out, in, up, down, away, now, then 等副词开头的句子, 且句子主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。如: Here comes the bus.

Now comes your turn.

The door opened and in came Mr. Li. 【注意】若主语为代词,则不用倒装。如: The door opened and in she came.

3. Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater comprehension when reading in English. 译文:

Knowing the main stories before reading 在句中为动名词短语作 when reading in English 作 。 Step IV 随堂检测(C、D级) 一 单项选择

1. I still doubt the price of houses in Beijing will go down, but just wait and see. A. how

B. why

C. whether

D. when

2. One reason he told me for his being late is he didn’t catch the early bus. A. that; why

B. why; because

C. why; that

D. that; that

3. The poor young man is ready to accept help he can get. A. whichever

B. however

C. whatever

D. whenever

4. It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey. A. while

B. that

C. if

D. for

5. As is known to all, Yang Liwei has become a space hero is we have expected. A. that; which

B. what; that C. what; which

D. that; what

6. Animals that could not themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived. A. change

B. adapt

C. adjust

D. match

7. This is not a good plan, and it will become the of many opposition attacks. A. object

B. target

C. ambition

D. mark

8. The trees in the storm have been moved off the road. A. being blown down C. blowing down

B. blown down D. to blow down

9. As was known to all, the boss had broken his promise he would give us a rise. A. which

B. that

C. what

D. which

10. The Car Club couldn’t to meet the demands of all its members. A. assume

B. guarantee

C. ensure

D. confirm

11. and the lesson began. A. In came Mr. Brown C. In came he

B. Mr. Brown in came

D. Came in Mr. Brown

12. Over , dead. A. rolling the goat C. did the goat roll

B. rolled the goat

D. the goat rolled