【教育资料】三年级下册英语教案Unit 2 In the library(第1课时)译林版(三起)学习精品 下载本文


3B Unit 2 In the library

(第一课时 )

一、教学目标: 1.能初步会听、说、读单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Don’t …”,并会用“I’m sorry.”来回答。

3.能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library。


学生正确的人生观和价值观。 二、重点与难点: 能听懂、会读、会运用单词run shout eat talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。 三、教具准备: 多媒体、头饰 四、教学过程: Step1.Warming up 1.Greeting

T:Class begins! Ss:Stand up!

T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, Miss Shi. T: Sit down, please. Step2. I do you say

1.T:We are now in class.we are having an English lesson. first let’s play a game “I do you say ”教师做动作,学生说出短语。 Ss:Stand up,please.\\open the book\\open the door\\close the book\\close the window\\...(相机学习“run”\\ “shout”) 2.一学生扮演老师做动作,其他同学说短语。 Step3 Pre-reading

T: Here are many pictures, they are in class now.Look at them and judge ,Are they right?

a.Look at the girl,she is eating an orange.教学eat.

b.is she right?Do you have any advise to her?教学don't.... 教学drink\\talk\\sleep,方法同上 3.Magic eyes

Step4 While-reading

导题Unit 2 In the library

T: In class,we don’t do these.if we are in the library,can we



do these?tet’s Look! Who’s the boy?How about the girl?Are they in class? S: No. 图书馆

T: They are in the library(出示in the library) library- in the library

T:Today, let’s learn Unit 2 In the library. Look! 6.教学story time

a.Watch and answer the questions.

Q1:What is Liu Tao doing in the library?刘涛正在图书馆做什么? Q2:What does Yang Ling advise to Liu Tao?杨玲向刘涛提了什么建议?

b.Watch the cartoon and read after it. It’s time for reading c. Read in a group。 d. Act

Step5 Consolidation Make a dialogue

出示一些不文明行为的图片,让学生自行编对话。 Step6 Summary

We have learn Unit2, let’s have a look and remember them.(对照板书

Unit 2 In the library run shout

Don’t eat I’m sorry.

drink talk sleep

Step7 Homework

1. Coppy the new words 3+1 2. Read story time

3B Unit 2 In the library


今天我所教授的内容是unit2 in the library的 story time,本课对话的主要内容是制止或劝阻别人的不当行为,整个活动设计围绕祈使句的否定形式



don't run\\shout\\drink\\talk\\sleep\\及答语I’m sorry展开。

整个教学过程分为四个环节进行: 第一环节:I do you say

通过“I do you say”的游戏,多种形式,让学生迅速融入教学氛围中,在复习旧知的基础上相机教学新单词 “run\\shout”,随后让一学生做动作,其他学生说短语的形式激发学生学习兴趣。期间的课堂语言组织需要斟酌一下。

第二环节:look and judge(pre-reading)

引导学生观察一些学生上课时的图片,判断我们可以做的和不可以做的行为,相机教学新单词 “eat\\ drink\\talk\\sleep,从中引导学生学习don't...,并通过magic eyes,巩固理解记忆新单词。这一环节中处理较拖拉,同时注意引导学生利用音节记忆单词效果会好些。提供的信息量可再多些。

第三环节:Watch,read and say(while-reading)

学生通过观看 “stroy time”动画,引导完成对Q1:What is Liu Tao doing in the library?Q2:What does Yang Ling advise to Liu Tao?的回答来理解对话内容,通过模仿、表演,让学生掌握情景知识,理解对话。要求学生能注意语音语调,鼓励加入感情色彩分角色朗读培养学生想象力。这一环节给学生练习的时间过少,循序渐进的过程“会读-熟读-表演”不能体现到位。

第四环节:Make a dialogue(consolidation)



溧阳市旧县小学 施带娣
