新世纪大学英语第二版综合教程1-课文翻译及答案Unit1 下载本文

8) I usually enjoy his films, but this latest one didn’t come up to my


Task 2: Correct the mistakes in the following paragraph, paying special attention to the use of adjectives and adverbs. Underline the mistakes and write down your corrections in the space below. If you think there is no mistake, write “No Mistake”.

1 My sister is learning French as her second foreign language in her university.

2 She finds a second foreign language is very useful, especial in today’s world

3 where people from different countries find it necessarily to communicate

4 frequent with each other. She spends about two hours every day, practising

5 French pronunciation and reading one or two short stories. She often says

6 that she finds French words easily to remember because many of the words

7 in French are similar to their English equivalents in spelling. Though

8 she is a quiet girl and likes to do individually study, she always

9 finds as much chances as she can to speak French to her classmates, who

10 also think it high enjoyable to conquer a new language. My sister is

11 interested in French movies and French songs, too. It is apparently that she is

12 making remarkably progress. Last night she claimed to the whole family

13 that she would probable go to France to study after her graduation. I think

14 she meant every word of it.

1) No mistake 2) especially 3) necessary 4) frequently 5) No mistake 6) easy 7) No mistake 8) individual 9) many 10) highly 11) apparent 12) remarkable 13) probably 14) No mistake

Grammar in Context

Task 1: Decide which one is correct by crossing out the wrong one. 1) People go to university / the university to increase their knowledge.

People go to university to increase their knowledge.

2) The family were at the table / at table when the telephone rang.

The family were at table when the telephone rang.

3) There is Jack Robinson / a Jack Robinson waiting to see you in the hall.

There is a Jack Robinson waiting to see you in the hall.

4) We are striving for a world / the world with no poverty, no hurt and no hatred.

We are striving for a world with no poverty, no hurt and no hatred.

5) The Olympic Games / Olympic Games for 2016 will be held in Rio de Janeiro.

The Olympic Games for 2016 will be held in Rio de Janeiro.

Task 2: Insert an appropriate article in each blank, using ? to stand for ZERO article:

When your personal wealth is greater than (1) the gross domestic product of a small European country, finding (2) an incentive (动机) to get out of (3) ? bed on (4) a chilly Monday morning in Seattle is never going to be easy. So it’s perhaps no great surprise that Bill Gates, (5) the world’s richest man, has decided to walk away from his day-to-day involvement with Microsoft, and use his full attention to oversee how (6) the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spends its £16 billion on philanthropy (慈善).

Ever since (7) the industrial revolution, wealthy self-made businessmen and women have felt (8) a calling to create (9) a legacy (遗赠;遗产) that goes beyond (10) a profit and loss sheet. The saying “He, who dies rich, dies disgraced” runs deeply through (11) the business community.

Out of all (12) the great philanthropists, the career path of Bill Gates appears to be (13) ? closest to that of (14) the oil millionaire John Rockefeller, (15) the founder of Standard Oil — (16) a company that eventually evolved into (17) ? ExxonMobil. Both were self-made men and both became (18) the richest men on (19) the planet. Rockefeller was in his late fifties when he turned his attention full time to philanthropy. Now Gates follows suit in his early fifties. “It was (20) a hard decision for me,” he said recently. “I’m very lucky to have two passions that I feel are so important and so challenging.” “With great wealth comes great responsibility.” He adds. Cloze

Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.

How can students do well at school? Are straight-A students always those who are the brightest? Students are very interested in getting answers to questions like these as achieving academic (1) excellence is, and will always be, one of their top priorities (2) at school. A professor of education who has recently conducted (3) a survey on the subject revealed that top grades do not always go to the brightest students. When some basic principles (4) are followed, everyone can become a top student. To begin (5) with, study should always be the number one priority (6)for a student. Study time is always guaranteed(保证) and should never be compromised (7) for personal recreation such as movies, TV programs or snacks. In addition (8), learning to be organized is very important. Keeping everything in its place and filing (9) class notes in order are

two good examples. Speaking (10) up in class and asking questions is another winning formula (11). A student can clarify any doubts by asking questions. Participation / Participating (12) in group study is another help. By framing tentative test questions based (13) on class notes, students can help each other prepare for tests. Last but not least (14), always hand in neat work. A student who turns in neat work is already on the way (15) to scoring an A. A student may suffer from different kinds of pressure (16) at school, but if he follows these principles in his studies, sooner or later he will become a top student.


Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

1) 法官要求记者不要公开受害人的姓名。(disclose)

The judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim.

2) 老师费尽苦心务使我们全都理解他说的话。(take pains to do sth.)

The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said.

3) 最近学校在学业优秀的学生中进行了一项调查。(conduct, attain)

Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academic excellence.

4) 他说他要接受这份工作,我们要求他写封信证实。(confirm)