2017年山东省泰安市中考英语试卷(含解析) 下载本文


一、听力(共13小题:每小题1分,满分20分) 1.(1分)A.That's a good idea. B.You're welcome. C.I'm tired of pizza. 2.(1分)A.For a month. B.In a month. C.Twice a month.

3.(1分)A.I agree with you. B.Very kind,I think. C.Three lessons a week. 4.(1分)A.It doesn't matter. B.It's mine. C.It won't be.

5.(1分)A.Yes,please. B.Not at all. C.With pleasure. 6.(1分)What lesson will the man help Mary with? A.Physics. B.History. C.Geography. 7.(1分)What are they probably doing?

A.Running. B.Riding bikes. C.Playing games. 8.(1分)Where does this conversation probably take place? A.In a museum. B.In a bookshop. C.In a school.

9.(1分)How much should the man pay if he buys three kilos of potatoes? A.5 yuan. B.6 yuan. C.9 yuan. 10.(1分)When will they go to the movies?

A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday. 11.(3分)听第一段对话,回答11﹣13小题. 11.Where did Joe play football? A.In the sports hall.


B.In the park. C.On the school field.

12.Joe would like his mother to wash his A.socks and shorts B.T﹣shirt and shorts C.socks and T﹣shirt

13.When is Joe's next football match? A.March 12th. B.March 15th. C.March 18th.

14.(3分)听第二段对话,回答14﹣16小题. 14.How much does Emma's photography course cost? A.45 pounds. B.65 pounds. C.80 pounds.

15.Why does Emma like the photography course? A.Because she's learning about famous photographers. B.Because she's using an expensive camera. C.Because she's taking better photographs.

16.Emma thought it was easy to take photographs of﹣﹣. A.flowers B.animals C.people.


17.How did the writer feel when he saw the old man at the beginning? A.Happy. B.Sorry. C.Bored.

18.What was the weather like when the writer helped the old man? A.Snowy. B.Windy. C.Rainy.


19.What did the writer give the old man? A.Some money. B.A few clothes.

C.A bag of cans and bottles. 20.Which of the following is right?

A.The old man thanked the writer for his help at last. B.The old man sold the cans and bottles to buy a bike.

C.The writer was unhappy because the old man didn't smile at him.

二、语法和词汇(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21.(1分)﹣Do you know ______ girl with long curly hair? ﹣﹣Yes,she is Mary.She plays ______ tennis very well.( ) A.a,/ B.the,/ C.the,theD.a,the

22.(1分)It is five years since we began to enjoy a ______ spring holiday each year.( ) A.ten﹣day

B.ten day C.ten days' D.ten days

23.(1分)﹣What do you think of Wilson's speaking? ﹣﹣No one does _______ in our school.( ) A.good

B.well C.better D.best

24.(1分)﹣I'm a little hungry,Mum!

﹣﹣There are some apple pies on the table,you may take ______.( ) A.it

B.this C.that D.one

25.(1分)It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable _______ for human beings.( )

A.standard B.treasure C.invention


26.(1分)﹣If you always ______ yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure.

﹣﹣I agree,we should believe in ourselves.( )
