综合英语2Unit 5答案 下载本文

Unit 5

I.B. II. 1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F. III.

1. the second half of his first life.

2. the day when he was unable to climb those steps, and was to lie and die.

3. his challenge to continue living, and misery he had to accept and cope with in order to hold on to his sanity, his wife, his home and his job.

4. He first felt a bit sorry for them, but then felt relieved by the thought of paying. 5. the old man is blind but he helped him in the storm; while the writer assumed that a disabled man deserved other people’s help but never helped others. 6. he should always be ready to help others. IV.

1. a sad man with little hope for his future, and everything depended on him to climb these 14 steps.

2. the writer was filled with great shame and horror and became speechless.

Structural analysis of the text Part 1: Paragraph 1, 2—1st life; Part 2: Paragraph 3, 4, 5—2nd life;

Part 3: Paragraph 6, 7, 8, 9—incident and reflection; Part 4: Paragraph 10—new life, i.e. 3rd life.

Section Four Consolidation Activities Part one. Vocabulary I.

1. a slowly progressive disease = a disease that gradually becae more and more serious 2. with the aid of = with the help of 在……的帮助下

3. peering at = looking very carefully and hard at 凝视

4. are all set = are ready 准备就绪,安排妥当

5. indifference to = not caring about 对……漠不关心 II.

1. tilted; 2. led up to; 3. hold on to; 4. care for; 5. is inclined to; 6. make a living; 7. follow, example; 8. to a degree.

III. Word derivation

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. You always follow your own inclination (incline) instead of thinking of our feeling.

2. The men stood in front of the bar, indifferent (indifference) to the argument that was going on across the road.

3. The company has had a successful first year at home but penetration (penetrate) of the international market has been slow.

4. We hadn’t seen her for many years and were very shocked by her frailty (frail). 5. He does not consider his deafness an affliction (afflict).

6. We were all very impressed by the excellence (excellent) of the design. 7. Her fever is getting progressively (progress) worse. I think we should call a doctor. 8. The honeymoon period was soon followed by the usual disillusionment (disillusion) with day-to-day reality.

1. incline v. 使有……倾向,易于;爱好 inclination n. 倾向,意愿 inclined a. 有……倾向的;倾斜的

2. indifference n. 不重视,无兴趣,漠不关心 indifferent a. 漠不关心的,冷淡的 indifferently ad. 不在乎地,冷淡地,淡然地

3. penetrate v. 穿透,渗透;看穿

penetrating a. 敏锐的,尖锐的;穿透的,透彻的 penetration n. 渗透,侵入,突破