华为英语面试题汇总 下载本文


1,What is your english name please? 请说下你的英文名字是什么,好吗?

2,Please introduce yourself about your campus life 请介绍一下你自己?关于你的校园生活

3,Where are you from? which city? what is it famous for? Have it developed during the last years? 你来自哪里?哪个城市?它以什么著名?它已经开发在过去几年?

4,What is a typical day in your university? 你如何度过你一天校园生活?

5,What is your hobby? what do you like doing in your spare time?


这是基本的华为英语面试题目,在面试前,若能事先做好充分的准备,了解对方可能会提出的问题,模拟一些场景对话,并试着用各种方式来回答,毫无疑问,被录用的机率会大大提高。所以要好好把握这些华为面试题信息。 另外,华为英语面试诚意很重要。

某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句: 我很想听听你的意见。这句话表明了你对面试官的尊敬,很容易使对方产生亲切感。当面试官问你关于公司有哪些想要了解





Q: Please say something except your


A: You mean about my self-introduction?

(I think he has some Arabian Accent. Is he from Arabian countries?

No, I am pretty sure he is definitely a Chinese, one of my people.)

Q: No, anything except your self-introduction. A: Oh, sorry. Can I speak something about my job criteria?

Q: Criteria? What is criteria? What does that mean?

A: It means the standards or expectations when Im looking for a job.

Q: Ok. Say something about that.

A: All right. First , I wanna know what I could learn from the job. That means...

(He was communicating with other staff of Huawei about something, I

thought he might be busying in something so I stopped and waited for him to finish.)

Q: Please go on. Im listening.

A: OK, that means what my future would be if I took the job...

(Hes still talking to other in Chinese, so I stopped again.)

Q: Please go on.

A: OK. The second is that I wanna know if it is something that I really

want, that means ... that means if I could totally devote myself in

the job... , the third is ... if I am qualified for