PEP英语四年级上册Unit1-My-classroom全英带教学设计 下载本文

PEP四年级上册Unit 1 A Let’s learn let’s do

Teaching content:

PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 A. Let’s learn, let’s do and let’s sing。 本课是四年级上册第一单元第一课时,本单元起着承上启下的作用,承三年级上册第一单元学习用品,启四五年级《My classroom》和 《My schoolday》。利用学过的学习用品导入本课,把原先学过的句型再次呈现给学生,(What’s in the bag?)让学生在听、对话的基础上加深视觉印象。 Teaching aims and demands:

a. Learn to say new words : classroom ,picture, board ,door,window,floor, light. b. Learn to say the new sentence: What’s in the classroom? A board, two lights,

a picture, …

c. Learn to sing a new song. The important and difficult points:

a. New words:classroom ,picture, board ,door.,window, floor.,light. b. Sentences:What’s in the classroom? A board, two lights, a picture, … Teaching aids: A-tape recorder ,CAI. Teaching steps: Step 1.Warm up.

Good afternoon, boys and girls. we have two groups, one is boy group, another is girl group. If you answer my question best,I will give you a small foot. 【设计意图】:采用竞争式,使学生主动快速地进入情景教学活动中。 T: Listen to me carefully, I say one , you stand up. I say two, you sit down. Ok? T: Are you ready? Class begins …


My name is Cui Jianmei, what’s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? S:…

【设计意图】:通过一个小游戏和自由对话,提前让学生进入英语课堂,为下面的学习做准备。 Step 2.Presentation

T: This lesson we will learn “let’s learn let’s do and let’s sing ”. Ok? Listen to me carefully . What’s this(some pictures of pen, pencil…)? What’s in the bag? S:…

T: Ok , watch TV .(Show the picture of classroom.)What’s this? Write : classroom.

【设计意图】:在真实的情景中进行新单词的教学,让学生有身临其境的感觉。把原先学过的句型“What’s in the bag?”和学习用品在老师设计的情境中自由对话,既紧扣主题又对本课的重点句型做了突破,下面的学习就迎刃而解了。 a. Students read after the teacher. b. Read one by one. c. Spell this word.

d. Make a sentence with this word.

e. Then teach other words with the same method: ,picture, board ,door.,window,floor, Light.

f. Teach the new sentences and act: Sweep the floor, Put up the picture…

T: OK, look at me. Read together .

【设计意图】:把单词与句型结合起来,让学生在运用中掌握单词 Step 3. Practice


a. T: Let’s have a game. Ok? Look, can you say this word? (Show the first letter of the word. Let students say it.)Look at me carefully .One, two, three, … (Count the cards and hide a card.) What’s missing? (Then let student act this game.)


b. OK. Listen to me carefully .I say the words, you point it to, ok?(Then let’s student act this game.)

c. Look at the classroom, what’s in the classroom? S: …

【设计意图】:在这个活动中,老师是参与者,学生是活动的主体,培养学生的合作精神,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Step 4.Presentation

1.Turn to page 4, read after me and act. Then, act after the music.


2.Ok, I’m tired. Let’s listen to a song. Ok?(listen and sing )

【设计意图】:这是一首选学的歌曲,让学生在平常听听,有助于听力能力的提高,并在轻松的氛围中结束课堂。) Step 5. Homework

After class , sing to your parents. BLACKBOARD DESIGN

Unit 1 A. Let’s learn, let’s do and let’s sing. classroom board picture window door light ---What’s in the classroom? ---A board, two lights…
