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英 语 试 卷

第一部分 听力





1. What do we know about the man’s new shirt? A. It’s dirty.

B. It’s expensive.

C. It’s small.

2. Why did Linda ignore the man? A. She didn’t recognize him. B. She was in a bad mood. C. She didn’t know him.

3. Where are the speakers going to meet tomorrow afternoon? A. In front of the ocean park. B. In front of the school. C. In front of the bank.

4. How did the woman spend her holiday? A. She played computer games. B. She worked in a company. C. She went to the seaside. 5. Which train will the woman take?

英语试卷 第1 页 共15 页

A. The 5:10.

B. The 4:00. C. The 2:45.


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料, 回答第6至7题。

6. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a club.

7. How much does Mr. Nash give the man for a tip? A. $100.

B. $25.

C. $10.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。 8. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. How to prepare Tom’s birthday party. B. What to buy for Tom’s birthday. C. How to apologize to Tom.

9. What does the man suggest the woman do in the end? A. Write down Tom’s birthday somewhere. B. Send Tom an e-mail and a card. C. Make a phone call to Tom. 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。 10. How does the man get to work? A. On foot.

B. By bike.

C. By bus.

11. What does the man mainly do at work?

A. He deals with phone calls. B. He telephones customers. C. He makes coffee. 12. What is good about the man’s job? A. He can have a wonderful social life. B. He can go home early. C. He can get a free lunch. 听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

英语试卷 第2 页 共15 页

13. How is the woman getting to the museum? A. By taxi.

B. By bus.

C. On foot.

14. How long will the woman spend on the big street? A. About an hour.

B. About half an hour.

C. About a quarter of an hour.

15. Where is the National Museum? A. At the T-junction. 16. Where are the speakers? A. In the US Embassy.

B. In a park.

C.In a hotel.

B. Next to the park.

C. Near City Hall.


17. What is the man’s opinion about healthy living? A. It demands patience and effort. B. It needs a lot of money. C. It is easy to come true.

18. What does the man think is the most important? A. A good night’s sleep.

B. A nutritious diet.

C. Daily exercise.

19. What does the man recommend doing? A. Doing whatever one likes. B. Drinking a little alcohol every day. C. Taking some artificially produced vitamins. 20. What is the next programme? A. An advertisement.

B. The news.

C. The music.

第二部分 阅读理解




A famous magazine, Amusement Today, does a survey among park lovers every year both in the US and overseas, based on which, “Top 5 List of the Best Amusement Parks in the World” has come out as follows:

英语试卷 第3 页 共15 页