新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it教案 下载本文

引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习的乐趣。 教具准备:单词卡片。

教学重点:听、说、认读本课时的四个动词词组。 教学难点:在情景中正确使用句型:It’s time to … 教学方法:情景教学法、游戏教学法 教学过程: 一、复习引题

1、数学游戏:教师给学生出一些数学算式、可以是加减混合运算、也可是连加连减、学生算出来后用手指头表示答案。 二、教学新课

1.玩时钟游戏。教师用手臂做时针和分针、问:What time is it ?学生快速回答It’s …o’clock .It’s time for……

2.教师做出4:35的手形、问:What time is it ? 引导学生说出:It’s 4:35、school is over .教师接着问:School is over .Where do you go ? 学生回答:We go home .教师由此导入句型It’s time to go home .

3.教师借助图片和听听做做活动教授其它几个动词词组、如:教师发指令:It’s time to get up .请学生做起床、穿衣服的动作;教师说It’s time to go to school 。请学生做背书包、走路的动作、以次类推。要注意多让学生说句型:It’s time to……为下一课时重点学习句型做铺垫。


5.教师可采用A部分Let’s do的形式操练新的句型。 三、巩固练习

1.画画说说:学生模仿B Let’s learn部分的插图画出自己的活动时间、然后在四人小组中交流、比如学生A六点起床、他就指着自己的画说:It’s 6 o’clock .It’s time to get up .

2.完成Let's play。 四、布置作业

1.熟读并背诵所学内容。 2.设计学习时间表并用英语描述。 五、板书设计

Unit2 what time is it ?

what time is it ? It’s ...... It’s time to……

学情检测: (一)填空

1.----What time is it?----- It's ______________ (10点)

2.What time is it?-------It's __________(6点) It's ____ _____P.E. class.

3.______ ______ ______ _______--------It's four o'clock. It's _______ _____ home. 4.I _______________(吃午餐)at 12:00. 5.School is over at _______________(4点) pm.

Unit2 What time is it ?



1.能让学生运用What time is it? It's...写句子。 2.能听懂录音。 过程与方法目标:

1.会唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。 2.能听懂 Story time 的 内容。

情感目标:激发学生学校的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习的乐趣。 教具准备:单词卡片、课件。

教学重点:掌握两个重点句子:“What time is it? It's...”的正确书写。 教学难点:在四线格中的正确书写T What time is it? It's... 教学方法:情景教学法、练习法 教学过程: 一、复习引题 1.日常口语交流。

2.Review:A、B两部分的词语及对话。 二、教学新课

1.让学生练习运用What time is it? It's...练习说句子。 2.在学生能说的基础上在让学生书写这样的句子。 三、巩固练习

1.读一读并排序。 2.听录音并排序。 3.看一看并连线。 4.唱Let’s sing 的歌曲。

5.听录音看动画理解Story time 的内容。 四、布置作业

1.唱第20页的歌曲给家长听; 2.听录音并跟读Story time。


Unit2 what time is it ?

what time is it ? It’s ...... It’s time to……

学情检测: (一)选择填空。

1.( )It's time go to school. A.to B. of C.for 2.( ) that the art room? No, .

A.Is,is itn't. B.Is, it isn't. C.Do, it is. 3.( ) is the computer room? It's the first floor.

A.Where,on B.What,on C.Where,in

4.( )Look my clock. It's nice. A.in B. at C.on 5.( ) is it? It's seven o'clock.

A.How much B.How many C.What time

Unit2 What time is it ?




三 五 八 七 体育 六 数学 十 二 英语 二、单项选择

( )1 . It’s 8:00. It’s time English class.A . for B .to C. in ( )2 . It’s 6:00. It’s time to .A .school B .lunch C .get up ( )3 . What time A. is, it B .it, is C. this, is ( )4. Look at my .It’s 8 A. o’clock, clock B. clock ,clock C. clock, o’clock 三、填空(15分)

1.----What time is it?----- It's ______________ (10点) 2.What time is it?-------It's __________(6点) It's ____ _____P.E. class.

3.______ ______ ______ _______--------It's four o'clock. It's _______ _____ home. 4.I _______________(吃午餐)at 12:00. 5.School is over at _______________(4点) pm. 四、选择(35分)

( )1.It's 7:00. It's time for___________A.go to bed B.breakfast C.lunch ( )2.What time is it? It's __________. It's time for home.

A.At 5:00 o'clock B.3:00 o'clock C.there

( )3.It's 6:30. It's time for ____________ A.English class B.get up C.dinner ( )4.2+_________=10A. nine B. eight C. seven

( )5.It's twelve o'clock. It's time for __________A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )6.-Is this your chair?

-_________A.It's your desk. B.It's my desk. C.Yes,it is. ( )7.What time ____________? A.it is B.is it C.it's ( )8.__________9:00. A.It is B.Is it C.it is

( )9.It's time ____________ get up.A.at B.for C.to ( )10.It's time ____________ math class.A.at B.for C.to ( )11.She has ____________ clocks. A.a B.three C.a ( )12.They have eight _____________ in the classroom.A.Light B.light C.lights ( )13.-___________time for school?-Yes.Let's go.A.It is B.Is it C.it is ( )14.How many_______can you see in the library?

A.computerB.Computer C.computers

( )15.Is this ______________ old bag? A.a B.an C./ 五、选择填空。(20分)

1.( )It's time go to school. A.to B. of C.for 2.( ) that the art room? No, .

A.Is,is itn't. B.Is, it isn't. C.Do, it is. 3.( ) is the computer room? It's the first floor.

A.Where,on B.What,on C.Where,in

4.( )Look my clock. It's nice. A.in B. at C.on 5.( ) is it? It's seven o'clock.

A.How much B.How many C.What time


Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven o'clock. I go to bed at nine thirty.

( )1.I get up at .A.6:40 B.6:30

( )2.I have at 7:10.A.lunch B.breakfast ( )3.I have classes all day.(全天;一整天)A.four B.six ( )4.I have lunch .A.at school B.at home