最新-广东省深圳市2018年中考英语命题比赛试题1 精品 下载本文

\frequently change their jobs, homes and even cities, and their children have to move with them and transfer schools. Facing different study environments, materials and methods, many students find it difficult to cope with in a short period of time. It affects their performance and eventually affects their interest in studying.\

46. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The problems of migrant students in Shenzhen. B. How to transfer schools.

C. How to adapt to the new environment.

D. How to face different study environments. 47. Which of the following is not true?

A. Migrant students in Shenzhen feel more depressed. B. Most of the migrant students aren’t good at study. C. Constantly changing schools is helpful to students. D. Migrant students feel that they are not treated fairly.

48. The underlined word “ unstable” here probably means ________. A. 固定的 B. 游牧的 C.安稳的 D.不稳定的

49. After reading the passage, we know that the non-hukou students in Shenzhen ________.

A. like to move with their parents B. have motivation to study hard C. behave well at school D. have to transfer schools

50. The writer wants to tell us ______. A. how to make the survey B. how to get Shenzhen hukou

C. some psychological problems of the migrant students D. the number of the migrant students in Shenzhen ( E ) More than 134 countries across the world, including the UK, switched off their lights for an hour on Sunday to support action to create a sustainable future for the planet. World Wildlife Fund has organised the Earth Hour event which saw iconic buildings turning off lights for an hour.

The event, which took place at 8.30pm Sunday around the world, started in Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. The aim is to highlight the charity's call on governments, organizations and individuals to pledge their commitment to tackling climate change. 'The challenge for our future well-being could not be greater. WWF's Earth Hour is about creating a message so powerful that governments and businesses cannot fail to take notice.'

Earth Hour started in 2018 in Sydney, Australia, when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. The following year, Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.

51. Where did Earth Hour start?

A. Fiji B. The UK. C. Australia D. New Zealand 52. The purpose of Earth Hour is ________.

A. to save money B. to protect environemnt C. to change climate D. help the poor countries 53. There is ________ years since Earth Hour started. A. three B. four C. five D. six 54. _______ is Earth Hour.

A. 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm B. 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm C. 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm D. 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm 55. We can infer that World Wildlife Fund is a ________. A. government B. company C. Environmental charity D. movement ii.选择下列词汇或短语完成下面对话。并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小题,每小题1分) A. true B. animals C. as D. like E. prefer F. time

A: Do you Chinese keep animals for pets? B: Not as many as people in the USA. A: What 56 do they usually keep?

B: They keep dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish and so on. A: What about you?

B: I don’t have any pets. A: Why not?

B: To keep a pet takes 57 and cost money.

A: Yeah, that’s 58 . If you keep a pet, you need to spend some tie taking care of it,

59 walking it, feeding it and cleaning it. When it gets sick, you need to send it to hospital.

B: I don’t keep pets because I think pets often make our rooms dirty and smelly. If I keep pets, I 60 keep fish because they are clean. A: That’s a good idea.


A. Please tell her her our meeting is on Tuesday at 2:30 pm.

B. You are welcome.

C. May I speak to Ms. Wang, please?

D. And would you ask her to call me this afternoon?

E. This is Mr. King.

F. I’m sorry.

G. Can I take a message?

A: Good morning, Green Middle School. B: Hello. 61 .

A: I’m sorry. She Isn’t in. 62 . B: Yes, please. 63 . A: Is that D-I-N-G? B: No, it’s K-I-N-G. A: All right. B: 64

A: Tuesday at 2:30 pm.

B: 65 My number is 82837863.

A: 82837863. Yes, Mr. King. I’ll give Ms. Wang the message. B: Thank you. Good-bye. A: Good-bye.



66. I bought a flat on the ________ (twelve) floor because I can enjoy a better view. 67. She was so tired that she fell ________ (sleep ) in class.

68. It is very necessary for us __________ ( speak )English loudly. 69. She spends an hour ________ (play) table tennis every day.

70. It is ________ ( possible ) for you to pass the exam if you don’t study hard. 71. The boy is only four years old but he can dress ________(he) well. 72. The student ________ (name) Lin Tao is the monitor of our class. 73. We are all ________ ( amaze ) to get the strange result.

74. I can’t go shopping with you because I’m busy ________ (prepare) for the exam. 75. The earth is in ________ (dangerous) and we should protect our planet.


2018年感动中国十大人物孟佩杰,今年20岁,8岁开始承担起照顾瘫痪的养母(adoptive mother)的重任,2018年带着母亲上大学。尽管生活很艰难,但她依然乐观开朗(optimistic),她的事迹感动了许多人。请根据以上内容写一篇短文。 要求: 1、简要描述孟佩杰的事迹。

2、谈谈从她的事迹中你得到的启示。 3、词数80左右。

Meng Peijie,a 20-year-old girl, moved many people.

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