外研版九年级英语(上册)期末试卷含答案新版 下载本文

You probably hear the word “blog” a lot these days. Blogs are (76) ________ that are part personal and part informative. Just about anyone can have one and almost everyone seems to!

It’s said that there are more than 152 million blogs on the Internet!

And a new blog (77) ________ in the world every half a second! (78) ________ you do the math, that’s 172,800 new blogs every day! What are so many people blogging about?

You can find a blog (79) ________ just about any topic. What is one of the most popular kinds of blogs on the Web? Blogs about food. There are over 2 million blogs about food!

Other most popular blog topics (80) ________ music, fashion and cars. Why are there so many blogs about food?

It is (81) ________ to understand when you think about how much we eat — at least three times a day, not including snacking! One study (82) ________ that we now get about 90% of our recipes (食谱) from the Internet instead of cookbooks! What is it about food blogs that makes them so popular?

There are lots of blogs about (83) ________ countries’ recipes. It’s a chance to learn about how a country’s cuisine (菜肴) is shaped by its history, geography and traditions. (84) ________ these blogs can give us a greater understanding about our world.

Many food bloggers don’t just share their recipes. They share things about their lives and how they make the food, and they often include (85) ________.


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俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康,顺利成长,使家庭成员只见的关系更加的融洽,和谐,每个家庭都有这样或那样的家规。比如:必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请结合自己家庭的具体情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写一篇短文。要求包括:

1. 你们家有哪些家规(至少3条)。 2. 谈谈你对这些家规的看法和理由。

3. 如果你赞同这些家规,请适当做出承诺或表态;如果你不赞同,请向父母提出一些希望和合理的建议。


My Family Rules

I have a good family. We have some strict rules.


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My Family Rules

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I have a good family. We have some strict rules. Now I am a student of Grade Nine. I have to do my homework when I get home. I am not allowed to go out with my friends at night. On weekdays, I can’

I think these rules are strict but they are good for our family. They make my family happy and healthy. We can live a happy life.

I agree to these rules. I am a good child. I must follow the rules and study hard. I will make my parents happy for ever. I love my warm family.

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