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Table Ⅰ Table for calculation of AW,XF,IT,IL,CWP

No. of waterline 6000W.L. d= 6

?L? 9.1 m, 2/3?L? 6.0667 m, 2(?L)3? 1507.142 m3

Multipliers for calculating the inertial moments of area Ⅲ Multipliers for calculating the inertial moments of area Ⅳ No. of transverse sections Half-ordinates (m) Product of(Ⅱ)×(Ⅲ) Product of(Ⅱ)×(Ⅳ) (half-ord inates Ⅱ)3 Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10(amid) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 sum?? correction? Sum after correction? Calculation equations Result Ⅱ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ -1.47884 2.007 9.135 13.18 15.199 16.096 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.257 15.744 13.553 9.512 7.728824 279.533 6.249984 273.283 AW=2δL?Ⅱ (m2) -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 81 64 49 36 25 16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 14.7884 -18.063 -73.08 -92.26 -91.194 -80.48 -65.04 -48.78 -32.52 -16.26 0 16.26 32.52 48.78 65.04 81.3 97.542 110.208 108.424 85.608 77.28824 220.0816 92.07664 128.005 XF=δL? V/?Ⅱ (m) 7.164601 -147.884 162.567 584.64 645.82 547.164 402.4 260.16 146.34 65.04 16.26 0 16.26 65.04 146.34 260.16 406.5 585.252 771.456 867.392 770.472 772.8824 7344.261 624.9984 6719.263 IL=2(δL)3 ?Ⅵ-AWxF2 (m4) 10813534 -3.234175 8.084294 762.2995 2289.529 3511.115 4170.171 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4298.942 4296.563 3902.521 2489.467 860.6281 461.6791 65738.25 458.4449 65279.8 IT=2/3δL?Ⅶ (m4) 398812 10 100 CWP=AW/(LB) 4973.751 0.840354 Table Ⅱ Table for calculation of ?,?,CB,TPC

?L? 9.1 m, ?d/2? 0.5 m, ?? 1.025 t/m3 No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Draft di(m) Water-plane area Awi (m2) Sum of Ⅳfrom the top to the bottom Volumeof displa- cement ?i??d/2(Ⅴ)(m3) Ⅵ Dispal-cement ?i??(Ⅵ) (t) Ⅶ Block Coeffi-cient LBd TPC TPCi=( Ⅲ)× Pair sum of (Ⅲ) CBi??i/(LBdi) ?/100(t/cm)Ⅹ Ⅱ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅷ Ⅸ 3403.467 0 5918.64 11837.28 34.88554 80.36699 93.28881 96.69708 98.49878 99.89454 101.2664 102.7133 104.3305 105.9356 4437.215 7840.682 4664.132 9101.347 4769.729 9433.861 4839.908 9609.637 4905.901 9745.809 4973.751 9879.652 5047.06 10020.81 5131.526 10178.59 5203.653 10335.18 7840.682 16942.03 26375.89 35985.53 45731.34 55610.99 65631.8 75810.39 86145.57 3920.341 4018.35 8471.015 8682.79 0.662372 0.715622 0.742735 0.760004 0.772666 0.782992 0.792071 0.800547 0.808609 13187.95 13517.64 17755.92 17992.76 18442.58 23674.56 22865.67 23437.31 32815.9 29593.2 27805.49 28500.63 35511.84 33636.3 41430.48 53267.76 37905.19 38852.82 47349.12 43072.78 44149.6 Table Ⅲ Table for calculation of XB

?d? 1 m, ?d/2? 0.5 m No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Water- plane area Awi(m2) Ⅱ Longitu Dinal Position of center of floatation xFi(m) Ⅲ Product of(Ⅱ) ×(Ⅲ) Ⅳ Sum of (Ⅴ)from the top to the bottom Ⅵ Volume of displa cement ?i (m3) Ⅶ Pair sum of(Ⅳ) XBi??d(IV)/(2?i)Ⅷ (m) Ⅴ 3403.467 4437.215 4664.132 4769.729 4839.908 4905.901 4973.751 5047.06 5131.526 5203.653 9.292107 3412.759 7.7045 4444.92 7857.679 7.8325 4671.965 9116.884 8.00537 8.27042 7.85426 7.164601 6.02676 4.25963 1.93317 7857.679 16974.56 26424.26 36050.18 45812.11 55706.78 65740.78 75929.65 86271.02 3920.341 8471.015 13187.95 17992.76 22865.67 27805.49 32815.9 37905.19 43072.78 0.566905 0.275762 0.18114 0.134726 0.107448 0.089567 0.076991 0.067745 0.060428 4777.734 9449.699 4848.178 9625.913 4913.755 9761.934 4980.916 9894.671 5053.087 10034 5135.786 10188.87 5205.586 10341.37 Table Ⅳ Table for calculation of KB

?d? 1 m, ?d/2? 0.5 m No. of Waterlines Volume of displa cement Sum of (Ⅲ) from the top to the bottom Ⅳ Sum of Ⅳfrom the top to the bottom Ⅴ Pair sum of(Ⅱ) ?i(m3) Ⅱ 0 Ⅲ ?d/2(IV)/?i Draft di (m) Vertical position of CB KBi=(Ⅵ)-(V) (m) Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ⅵ Ⅶ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ⅷ 3920.341 3920.341 8471.015 12391.36 3920.341 16311.7 3920.341 20232.04 58202.7 127354.1 237363.9 398044.8 619347.2 911370.6 1284372 0.5 0.962795 1.439597 1.921644 2.405567 2.889375 3.371877 3.852025 4.329897 0.5 1.037205 1.560403 2.078356 2.594433 3.110625 3.628123 4.147975 4.670103 13187.95 21658.97 37970.66 17992.76 31180.71 69151.37 22865.67 40858.43 110009.8 27805.49 50671.16 32815.9 160681 60621.39 221302.4 37905.19 70721.09 292023.4 43072.78 80977.97 373001.4 Table Ⅴ Table for calculation of BM,BML,KM,KML

No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Volume of displa cement Trans verse inertial momen t ITi (m4) Ⅲ Longi tudinal inertial momen t ITi (m4) Ⅳ ?i (m3) Ⅱ BMi=(Ⅲ)/(Ⅱ) (m) BMLi= (Ⅳ)/(Ⅱ) (m3) KBi (m,) KMi= (Ⅴ)/(Ⅶ) (m) KMLi= (Ⅵ)/(Ⅶ) (m) Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ 0 3920.341 8471.015 13187.95 17992.76 22865.67 27805.49 32815.9 37905.19 43072.78 190001.3 319166.1 353000.2 369353.9 381187.9 390814.9 398812 405067.7 410733 418053.9 4540217 7687345 8938933 9651030 81.41284 1960.887 0.5 162.8257 3921.774 1017.386 468.9857 267.4498 176.9677 125.0229 92.8562 71.35932 57.82779 41.67154 1055.238 1.037205 40.17676 28.00692 731.8067 1.560403 17.94852 10001383 21.18563 555.856 2.078356 10.19345 10498336 17.09178 459.1309 2.594433 6.587865 10813534 14.34292 388.8992 3.110625 4.610946 11055470 12.34364 336.8937 3.628123 3.402211 11219810 10.8358 295.9967 4.147975 2.61231 11632310 9.705756 270.0617 4.670103 2.078275 Table Ⅵ Table for calculation of MTC

?d? 1 m, ?d/2? 0.5 m Displa- Cement Logitudinal Metacentric Radius BMLi (m) Ⅲ Moment to change trim 1cm MTCi=(Ⅱ)×(Ⅲ)/100/(Ⅴ) (m) Ⅵ No. of Waterlines ?(t) Ⅱ Product of (Ⅱ)×(Ⅲ) Length L (m) Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ⅳ Ⅴ 4018.35 8682.79 13517.64 18442.58 23437.31 28500.63 33636.3 38852.82 44149.6 1960.887 1055.238 731.8067 555.856 459.1309 388.8992 336.8937 295.9967 270.0617 7879530 9162410 9892300 10251419 10760793 11083872 11331858 11500307 11923116 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 432.9412 503.4291 543.5329 563.2648 591.2524 609.004 622.6295 631.885 655.1163 Table Ⅶ Table for calculation of CM,CP

Half-or-dinates of No. of midshiWaterlines p section (m) Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ⅱ Sum of (Ⅲ) from the top to the bottom Ⅳ Area of midship section AMi=δd(Ⅳ) (m2) Ⅴ Midship coefficient CMi=AMi/ (Bdi) Ⅶ Pair sum of (Ⅱ) Bdi Prismatic Block coefficient coefficient CPi=CBi/CMCBi i Ⅲ Ⅵ Ⅷ Ⅸ 14.36 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 16.26 14.36 32.293 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 32.52 14.36 44.753 77.046 14.36 44.753 77.046 0 16.033 30.393 32.52 1.376169 0.662372 65.04 1.184594 0.715622 97.56 1.123063 0.742735 0.481316 0.604107 0.661348 0.695785 0.719537 0.737606 0.752389 0.765233 0.776746 109.566 109.566 174.606 174.606 142.086 142.086 130.08 1.092297 0.760004 162.6 1.073838 0.772666 207.126 207.126 195.12 1.061531 0.782992 239.646 239.646 227.64 1.052741 0.792071 272.166 272.166 260.16 1.046149 0.800547 304.686 304.686 292.68 1.041021 0.808609 汇总表

No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 No. of Waterlines Ⅰ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? ?k Δ XB ZB d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3920.341 8471.015 13187.95 17992.76 22865.67 27805.49 32815.9 37905.19 43072.78 BM 3932.102 8496.428 13227.51 18046.74 22934.27 27888.91 32914.35 38018.91 43202 BML 4018.35 8682.79 13517.64 18442.58 23437.31 28500.63 33636.3 38852.82 44149.6 MTC 0.566905 0.275762 0.18114 0.134726 0.107448 0.089567 0.076991 0.067745 0.060428 CWP 0.5 1.037205 1.560403 2.078356 2.594433 3.110625 3.628123 4.147975 4.670103 CM d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 81.41284 41.67154 28.00692 21.18563 17.09178 14.34292 12.34364 10.8358 9.705756 AW 1960.887 1055.238 731.8067 555.856 459.1309 388.8992 336.8937 295.9967 270.0617 XF 432.9412 503.4291 543.5329 563.2648 591.2524 609.004 622.6295 631.885 655.1163 TPC 0.575042 0.749702 0.788041 0.805883 0.81774 0.82889 0.840354 0.85274 0.867011 0.879197 CB 1.376169 1.184594 1.123063 1.092297 1.073838 1.061531 1.052741 1.046149 1.041021 CP 3403.467 4437.215 4664.132 4769.729 4839.908 4905.901 4973.751 5047.06 5131.526 5203.653 9.292107 7.7045 7.8325 8.00537 8.27042 7.85426 7.164601 6.02676 4.25963 1.93317 34.88554 80.36699 93.28881 96.69708 98.49878 99.89454 101.2664 102.7133 104.3305 105.9356 0.662372 0.715622 0.742735 0.760004 0.772666 0.782992 0.792071 0.800547 0.808609 0.481316 0.604107 0.661348 0.695785 0.719537 0.737606 0.752389 0.765233 0.776746