电子信息工程专业基于FPGA的SD卡图像的VGA显示毕业设计论文 下载本文

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论文题目 :基于FPGA的SD卡图像的VGA显示


摘 要

基于FPGA的SD卡图像的VGA显示,是利用可编程逻辑器件将图像的数据通过VGA线实现图像的显示控制的,详细说明了在显示控制器中VGA的基本功能作用和其工作原理。此次设计是在Xilinx公司的ise 14.7软件环境下,使用 Verilog语言来编写程序模块设计,实现SD卡图像的VGA显示控制设计。要在最终的电脑显示屏上获得图像显示,需通过开发板上电,先读取SD卡中的图像数据并把它存储在DDR3中,然后再将DDR3的图像数据通过VGA线显示到的屏幕上。


关键词:可编程逻辑器件 ;VGA ;显示控制



SD card based on FPGA image of VGA display, is the use of programmable logic devices of the image data through the VGA line image display control, in VGA display controller is described in detail the basic functions and its working principle.In Xilinx ise 14.7 software environment, use Verilog language to write the SD card image of VGA display control design, completed the FPGA modular design.Achieve VGA display control, need to electricity, on the development board to read SD card of the image data and store it in DDR3, then continuously read DDR3 image data through the VGA line show on the screen.

The traditional image display is to transfer the data to computer, displayed on the screen, in this process, the image data the CPU needs constant control signal, it will largely wastes the CPU resources, but also from the computer system, which reduces the display control flexibility.But along with the development of the programmable logic device (FPGA) technology, the designers use EDA design method can realize the VGA display of the targeted control, can from computer to control system, and can meet the needs of practical production, greatly reduces the cost, upgrading of products is more convenient quickly, promote the development of the industry.

Keywords: Programmable logic devices ; VGA ;display control