工艺 technics,,
工艺卡片 process chart / operation card,, 工艺改进 Improvement of painting technology,, 工艺参数 technological parameter,, 工件 workpiece,,
工作人员钥匙 Crew Key,, 工作风缸 Application reservoir,, 工况 operating mode,, 工序 procedure,, 工时 man-hour,, 工具箱 toolbox,, 广播 Broadcast,, 弓头 Panto,,
门未闭锁指示器 “door unlocked” indicators,, 门关好指示 Door o.k. indicator,, 门页 Door Leaves,,
门页上方操纵器 Overhead Door Operator,, 门扶手 Door grab handle,, 门把手 Door handle,, 门极可关断晶闸管 GTO
门状态显示 Door status indicator,, 门运动 Door movement,, 门板 doorpanel,,
门的中间夹层 The core of the door ,, 门柱 door posts,,
门重开 re-opening of the door,, 门面板 The door leaf panel,,
门控功能 Door control function ,, 门隔离 Door isolation,, 门槛 Tread faceplate,, 门操纵装置 door operator,, 不锈钢管 stainless pipe,,
中央控制单元 CCU (center control unit),, 中立位 Neutral pos.,, 中间车 Intermediate car,, 中间继电器 Intermediate relay,, 中继阀 mid-relay valve,, 中继阀 relay valve,,
中继阀 Mid-relay valve,, 云母带 Mica-paper tape,, 互操作性 Interoperability,,
内外蒙皮 internal and external skins,, 内部天花板 Interior ceiling,, 内燃机车 Diesel locomotive,, 分水滤尘器 water filter,, 分布式系统 Distributed system,, 分配阀 distributor valve,, 切割 Incision,,
双层真空安全玻璃 double glazed vacuum safety glass,,, 双针压力表 double point air meter,,, 双针速度表 Duplex speedometer,,, 反馈信号 feedback signal,,, 天线 Antenna,,,
太阳辐射强度 Solar intesive,,,
少胶绝缘系统 Poor-adhesive insulation system,,, 开门 door open,,,
开门时间 Opening time,,,
开发及应用 Research and application,,, 开关元件 Switch element,,, 手柄 manual handle,,, 支撑电容 DC link capacitor,, 无火机车 Dead loco.,,,
无线电台主机 Radio telephone set,,, 无线电设备 radio equipment,,, 无缝钢管 seamless pipe,,, 无缝钢管 seamless steel tube,,, 气动的 Pneumatic,,, 气隙 Air gap,,,
水密性试验 Water tight test,,, 水密性试验 Water tighness test,,, 火灾报警系统 FAS,,
计算黏着系数 Calculation adhesion factor,, 车门用风缸 Air reservoir for doors,, 车门系统 Door System,,, 车内照明 interior lighting,,, 车长阀 Conductor value,,,
车体 carbody,,,
车体最大高度 Maximal height of car,,, 车床 Machine tool,,, 车顶 Roof,, 车顶门 Roof hatch
车顶布置紧凑型空调单元 roof-mounted compact A/C unit 车顶穿墙套管 Roof-bushing with HV cable 车顶骨架 Roof skeleton 车钩 coupler
车门用风缸 Air reservoir for doors 车门系统 Door System 车内照明 interior lighting 车长阀 Conductor value 车体 carbody
车体最大高度 Maximal height of car 车床 Machine tool 车顶 Roof 车顶门 Roof hatch
车顶布置紧凑型空调单元 roof-mounted compact A/C unit 车顶穿墙套管 Roof-bushing with HV cable 车顶骨架 Roof skeleton 车钩 coupler
车钩端面的总长 Total length over Couplers 车辆 Rolling Stock
车辆信息 Vehicle information
车辆总线 Multifunction vehicle bus (MVB) 车辆维修 Vehicle maintenance 风压继电器 Air pressure relay 风缸 air reservoir 风道 Air duct
风道继电器 Anemo relay 风量 Air volume 风管 Air duct
主风缸 main reservoir
主司机控制器 Master controller 主电路 Main circuit
主电路电缆 The cable for main circuit
主电路库用插座 Main circuit socket for shed use