人教版新目标八年级英语下册Unit3单元同步练习(有答案) 下载本文

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 单元同步练习


1. 为…...提供…...___________ 2. 依靠___________ 3. 结果__________ 4. 生病_________ 5.照看_________ 6.借一些钱___________ 7.邀请某人做某事__________ 8.铺床__________ 9.浪费时间__________ 10.为了做某事_________ 11.洗盘子_________ 12.倒垃圾__________ 13.叠衣服__________ 14.扫地_________ 15.打扫起居室__________ 16.出去吃晚饭________ 17.去看电影__________ 18.借一些钱___________ 19.搭车__________ 20.去商店__________ 二、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子

1. It’s the parents’ job to __________ (提供) a clean environment at home for their children. 2. Doing chores helps ___________ (培养) children’s independence. 3. He lives next to me. He is my ___________(邻居). 4. My computer is broken. Could I ___________ (借) yours? 5. My friend ___________ (邀请) me to go to his parents’ house. 6. Please take out the ___________(垃圾).

7. Can you ___________(折叠)the clothes for his mother? 8. Let's ___________(打扫)the floor. It's too dirty. 9. I hate to do the ___________(洗碗)after supper. 10. Cooking is boring. I ___________(讨厌)to do it. 11. Everyone should develop the ability of ___________(独立). 12. ---I don't like the mutton. ----___________ (也不) does Bob. 13. Ann was watching TV ________ (而) I was cooking. 14. Don't ________(扔)the ball at me.

15. Ann ________ (借出) me her bike yesterday. I will give it back tomorrow. 三、根据汉语句子完成英语句子 1. 不要在游戏上花费太多时间。

Don’t ________ ________ ________ time ________computer games. 2. 小时候我总是生病。

When I was young, I was ________ ________ ________ ________. 3.他记下地址以便不忘了它.

He wrote down the address ________ ________ ________ ________forget it. 4. 听他讲话就是浪费时间。

It’s ________ ________ ________ ________ to listen to him. 5. 你没有必要现在离开这里。

There’s _______ _______for you _______ _______here now. 6. 结果,我们没有赢那场比赛。

________ ________ ________, we didn’t win the game.

7. 万物生长靠太阳。

All living things ________ ________ the sun for growth. 8. “你为什么在这儿?”她惊讶地问。

“Why are you here?” she asked ________ ________. 9. 最多锻炼,身体越好。

_______ _______ we exercise, _______ _______our health will be. 10. 我不想做家务,他也不想做。

I don’t want to do chores, ________ ________ ________. 四、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. Could you please _________ (sweep) he floor?

2. We did the same work, but he got more money than me. It was____________(fair) for me. 3. Jenny_____________ (throw) herself onto the bed. She was too tired.

4. His grades_____________(drop) because he spent too much time playing computer games. 5. Mary bought two _____________ (shirt) for his father as his 50th birthday gift. 6. China is a _________(develop) country.

7. As parents, we should let our children understand the idea of _________(fair). 8. Mary, Linda and Alice are my _________ (neighbor). They are all friendly. 9. When did your daughter finish _________ (write) the composition? 10. We should learn to be ___________(independence).

11. “ Who took away my school bag?” Tina said in _________ (surprised). 12. We should do our part in _________ (keep) our school clean and beautiful.

13. Many people think doing chores is woman`s job, but I don`t mind _________ (do) chores. 14. Mum often asks me _________ (fold) clothes after dinner. 15. Two years_________ (be) a long time for me.

16. The climber __________ (drop) and hurt himself last week. 17. Don’t do that. It’s a _________ (wasted) of time. 18. The streets were littered with much __________ (rubbish). 19. The girl is old enough __________ (make) her bed. 20. __________ (not forget) to clean the bedroom.

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?



1. provide… with… 2. depend on 3. as a result 4. fall ill 5. look after / take care of 6. borrow some money 7. invite sb. to do sth. 8. make the bed 9. a waste of time

10. in order to do sth. 11. do the dishes 12. take out the rubbish 13. fold the clothes 14. sweep the floor 15. clean the living room 16. go out for dinner 17. go to the movies 18. borrow some money 19. get a ride 20. go to the store 二、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子

1. provide 2. develop 3. neighbor 4. borrow 5. invited 6. rubbish 7. fold 8. sweep 9. dishes 10. hate 11. independence 12. Neither 13. while 14. throw 15. lent 三、根据汉语句子完成英语句子

1. spend too much; on 2. ill all the time 3. in order not to 4. a waste of time 5. no need; to leave 6. As a result 7. depend on 8. in surprise 9. The more; the better 10. neither does he


1. swept 2. unfair 3. threw 4. dropped 5. shirts 6.developing 7.fairness 8.neighbors 9. writing 10. independent 11.surprise 12. keeping 13. doing 14. to fold 15. Is 16. dropped 17. waste 18. rubbish 19. to make 20. Don`t forget