È˽̰æ¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï±ØÐÞ1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero ѧ°¸ ÏÂÔر¾ÎÄ

È˽̰æ¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï±ØÐÞ1ѧ°¸ Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero







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1. active adj. »ý¼«µÄ£¬Áé»îµÄ£¬»îÐ﵀ Over seventy as he is, he is still active. I can¡¯t tell whether it is an active volcano. ÍØÕ¹£º

be active inÔÚ¡­¡­·½Ãæ»îÔ¾£¬»ý¼«²Î¼Ó take an active part in»ý¼«²Î¼Ó act n./v.ÐÐΪ£¬¾Ù¶¯£¬Ðж¯ action n.ÐÐΪ£¬×ö·¨ activity n.»î¶¯

actor/ actress n.£¨ÄÐÅ®£©ÑÝÔ±

2. devote vt. ͶÈ룻Ï×Éí devote¡­ to¡­ Ï×ÉíÓÚ£»×¨ÐÄÓÚ

ÔÚdevote¡­ to¡­¶ÌÓïÖУ¬toÊǽé´Ê£¬ºóÃæ½ÓÃû´Ê»ò¶¯´Ê-ing¡£³£¼ûµÄÀàËƶÌÓﻹÓУº

pay attention to£¨×¢Òâ¡­¡­£©; stick to£¨¼á³Ö¡­¡­£©; lead to£¨µ¼Ö¡­¡­£©; prefer¡­to£¨Ïà±È¡­¡­¸üϲ»¶¡­¡­£©; look forward to£¨ÅÎÍû¡­¡­£©; [µäÀý]

1). He devoted himself entirely to music. Ëû½«Ò»Éú·îÏ׸øÁËÒôÀÖ¡£ 2). Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick. ÂêÀöÏ×ÉíÓÚΪ²¡ÈË·þÎñ¡£ ¡¾¼´¾³»îÓῺºÒëÓ¢ 1). ËýÉî°®ËýµÄº¢×Ó¡£ 2). ÎÒÃÇӦȫÁ¦ÒÔ¸°µØ¹¤×÷¡£

Keys: 1). She is devoted to her children.

3. vote v. ͶƱ£¨¾ö¶¨£©£»Ñ¡¾Ù n. ͶƱ, ѡƱ,±í¾ö, µÃƱÊý Ïà¹Ø¶ÌÓï

vote for/against ͶƱÔÞ³É/·´¶Ô vote through ±í¾öͨ¹ý vote down ͶƱ·ñ¾ö£»Í¶Æ±»÷°Ü

vote in ͶƱѡ³ö£»Ñ¡¾Ù

2). We should devote all our efforts to our tasks.

put¡­ to the vote ½«¡­¡­¸¶Öî±í¾ö take/have a vote on ¶Ô¡­¡­½øÐбí¾ö


1). We voted Democrat in the last election. ÎÒÃÇÔÚÉϴεÄÑ¡¾ÙÖÐͶÁËÃñÖ÷µ³µÄƱ¡£

2). We¡¯ll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it. ÎÒÃÇ»áÏÈÌýÈ¡Ë«·½µÄÂÛÖ¤ºóÔÙ×÷±í¾ö¡£

3). The votes are still being counted. ѡƱÈÔÔÚͳ¼ÆÖС£ ¡¾¼´¾³»îÓá¿ÓÃÇ¡µ±µÄ½é´Ê»ò¸±´ÊÌî¿Õ¡£

1). The suggestion was voted by a large majority. 2). Shall we take a vote the question? 3). The issue was put the vote.

4). Was the vote or the matter? Keys:

1). through 2).on 3). to 4). for; against

4. equal adj. ÏàͬµÄ£»Æ½µÈµÄ,µÈÓÚ He asked us to cut the apple into three equal pieces. ËûÈÃÎÒÃÇ°ÑÆ»¹ûÇгÉÈýµÈ·Ý¡£

¡¾ÍØÕ¹ÑÓÉì¡¿be equal to sth/ doing sth. ʤÈÎijÊÂ/ ×öijÊ Are you equal to (doing) the task? ÄãÄÜʤÈÎÕâÏ×÷Â𣿠Vt. µÈÓÚ£¬±ÈµÃÉÏ A equals B. AµÈÓÚB¡£

None of us can equal her in height/diligence/patience/strength/intelligence. ÎÒÃÇÖÐûÈËÔÚÉí¸ß/ÇÚ·Ü/ÄÍÐÄ/Á¦Æø/ÖÇÁ¦·½Ãæ±ÈµÃÉÏËý¡£ n. ͬµÈ/ÏàµÈµÄÈË»òÎï

be without equal/have no equal ÎÞÓëÂױȣ¬ÎÞ±È Yao Ming is a basketball player without equal in China. ÔÚÖйú£¬Ò¦Ã÷ÊǸöÎÞÓëÂױȵÄÀºÇò¶ÓÔ±¡£ ¡¾¾ÙÒ»·´Èý¡¿be similar to ͬ---ÏàËÆ be familiar to sb. ΪijÈËËùÊìÖª be familiar with sth. ÊìϤijÎï

be indifferent to sth. ¶Ôijʲ»¹ØÐÄ£¬²»ÔÚºõ£¬²»¸ÐÐËȤ be kind to ¶Ô----ºÍ°ª be polite to ¶Ô---ºÜÓÐÀñò be friendly to ¶Ô---ºÜÓѺà ¡¾¼´¾³»îÓá¿

He doubted whether she would be_____to the task.

A. equal B. similar C. familiar D. content ¡¾½âÎö¡¿A ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê´ÊÒå±æÎöºÍ´îÅä¡£be equal to sth. ʤÈÎ---·ûºÏ¾äÒ⣬content ¡°ÂúÒâµÄ£¬Âú×ãµÄ¡±¡£

5. escape v. & n. ÌÓÍÑ£»ÌÓÉú£»Ð¹Â¶