人教版九年级英语Unit13试题 下载本文

want. It speaks for young Irish people but it’s famous all over the world. Today there are many Irish musicians. A lot of them are internationally famous, and that is wonderful for a country with only five million people.

( )51. What happened to O’Carloan in about 1686? A. He went blind.

B. He was born blind.

C. He began to learn the piano.

B. To play the harp.

C. To write poems.

( )52. What did a nice lady help O’Carloan learn to do? A. To sing.

( )53. What do we know about U2? A. It was started by a rich lady.

B. It started hundreds of years ago.

C. It’s a very successful rock group in Ireland. A. Ireland has a large population.

B. A nocturne is a soft beautiful piece of piano music. C. John Field is the piano teacher of Clementi. A. Famous musicians B. A rich country C. The Irish music


We all know that recycling rubbish is very important. But sometimes it is not so convenient when we can’t find a recycling bin anywhere.

Now a team of middle school students from the US has solved that problem by designing (设计) their Recycling Bin app (应用程序).

This app encourages people to recycle. It provides users with a map of local recycling centers. And it allows them to save places as favorites on it. This app also reminds users to recycle.

The group of nine sixth-graders is from STEM Center Middle School. They came up with the idea as part of a school project for the Verizon Innovative App Challenge. Their school provided professional app training. It gave 10 teams Samsung tablets (平板) as prizes.

The challenge wanted to develop students’ interest in science, technology and engineering. In this contest, students showed an app design that could solve a problem in their school or city. The nine students came up with the idea for Recycling Bin when they saw a need for more recycling.

“We thought that this would really help a lot of people,” Jaden Hilkemann, 12, told Time For Kids.

They kept their design easy so that anyone could use it. Now the free Recycling Bin app has


( )54. What can we learn from the passage?

( )55. Which can be the BEST title for the passage?

been put into use in the Google Play app store for Android phones or tablets.

“I was so excited when it went up at the app store,” Seralyn Blake, 12, said. “A lot of my family members downloaded (下载) the app. It was pretty cool.” ( )56. Recycling Bin app is designed by some .

A. teachers B. students A. a rubbish bin

B. the school

C. scientists

C. the map

( )57. In Paragraph 3, “it” refers to (指) . ( )58. The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is .

A. organized by some students B. part of a school project

C. providing every student with a tablet A. hard to use B. cheap to buy A. STEM Center Middle School B. Google Play App Store C. A Winning App


一、完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确,一空一词(含缩写词)。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) A: How do you feel 1 wearing slogans on your clothing? B: I’ve never really thought about it before. I guess it 2 bother me.

A: Do you think advertising has an 3 on the choices you make when you’re shopping? B: I guess so. I usually buy name-brand (名牌) clothing, shoes, and electronic products. 4 about you?

A: I actually dislike name-brand products. I can’t 5 it when big companies advertise their products all over the place!

B: I know that advertisers are 6 people spend their money, but I think name-brand products usually have good 7 . Do you have a brand preference? A: I do for shower items like soap and shampoo, 8 I don’t for expensive things.

B: 9 do you think of the advertisement “Impossible Is Nothing” on the high street? A: It’s just a slogan for a famous company. 10 nothing really special about it. B: I think it’s a wonderful advertisement! 1. 6.



( )59. Recycling Bin app is not .

C. easy to download

( )60. The best title for this report is “ ”.

2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 确、通顺(每词限用一次)。将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)

get, big, level, true, go, cause, affect, happen, increase, warm, but, bad

You may have heard that the greenhouse effect is a bad thing. But the 1 is that life could not exist (存在) on earth without it. Our planet would be cold without it. However, a(n) 2 in the greenhouse effect would make the earth too hot. Many scientists think that this is 3 now. There is an increase in carbon dioxide. This is 4 an increase in the greenhouse effect. The earth is warming up.

Temperatures around the earth have steadily (稳定地) 5 up over the past 200 years. The past twenty years have the 6 increase. If this continues, it could have a terrible effect on the earth and human beings.

“It is a lot warmer this year.” It is being said all over the United States. Why? Scientists say it is because of global warming. Global warming means that our earth is 7 warmer. A warmer earth may 8 the rainfall (降雨量). It causes the 9 of the oceans to rise. The things that people do make our earth much 10 . In some places the warmer weather is not bad, but in other places it is a problem. 1. 6.


A. 补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)

Animals are unlike people. They can’t speak. They are not able to express themselves even if they feel pain and sadness. (1) Now, we can learn from Sophie Smith and be animals’ true friends—a volunteer working for animals.

On Feb 3, 2014, a girl from Massachusetts, the US, said that circuses (马戏团) should no more use hooks (钩子) or chains on elephants. And the government should do something.

(2) They can’t walk freely. And chains bring them great pain. Some people even use hooks when they train elephants. The hooks are sharp and bring elephants much more pain. Circus actors even push a hook into an elephant’s body to move it along during a show. “After some time, the elephant’s skin breaks down. (3) It can’t say no to those cruel people,” Sophie told local newspaper Marblehead Reporter. She also said that it would be bad for children.

(4) Back in 2011, as a sixth-grader, she searched for different animal

2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 金戈铁骑

protection groups online and helped them.

So when she spoke in front of 70 people at the state house, Sophie was not afraid. She was full of courage.

“Elephants aren’t treated with kindness. (5) I speak for them with my voice, and my love,” she said.

A. Since they cannot talk, I speak for them. B. They just need people’s help. C. That’s why they get them to perform. D. Some elephants are kept in chains. E. Sophie’s love toward animals started a long time ago. F. It feels the pain, but it can’t say anything

B. 完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)

The Earth is the only planet that we could live on. We can do a lot to change our lifestyle to help save the Earth. And little changes in what you buy, how you get around and what you use can make a big difference.

Walk or ride a bike to work or school instead of driving. Driving pollutes the air. Driving less saves money and energy. You can also take the bus or train. If you can’t travel by public transportation, consider buying an environmentally friendly (环保的) car.

Eat less meat. Meat-based diets need more land, water and energy to go on. Animals need more space and use more resources (资源) than plants. Factory farming pollutes the area around, and spreads chemicals and waste into nearby rivers or lakes. So meat may be not safe for us to eat.

Buy environmentally friendly products. Do not support companies that pollute the Earth. Buy things in large amounts (数量) to save more gas than buying in small amounts. Buy things with fewer materials for packing to reduce waste. Buying local food can reduce transportation costs.

Reduce your overall energy use. Make your clothes dry outside on a clothes line instead of using the dryer. If you need some fresh air in the room, open the windows instead of using the air conditioner. Take shorter showers and reduce the amount of water in your home. How to protect the Earth Walk, Drive less ride a bike or take (1)

(buses or trains) to save money and energy. Buy an (2) car. (3) need more space and Eat less meat water than plants. Meat may be not safe for us to eat because of 金戈铁骑

(4) . (5) in the companies that Buy environmentally friendly products don’t pollute the Earth. Buy To things cut in large amounts costs, and try (6) to for packing to save gas and reduce waste. transportation (7) . Dry your clothes (8) . Reduce energy use (9) for fresh air. Take shorter showers to (10) .


某校的 Going Green Society正在举行征文活动,主题是“Let’s Go Green!”。假设你是Andy,请根据下面的提纲,写一篇应征文。

Dos ◆turn off appliances (电器) Don’ts ◆not use disposables (一次性用◆save as much water as possible 品) ◆… ◆not use plastic bags ◆…


1. 短文须包括上述要点,并适当增加细节。 2. 80词左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Let’s Go Green!

It’s everyone’s duty to make the earth a green home. We can do something to go green in our daily life.
