软件学院2013级研究生(2014年初)面向对象建模技术试题A答案及评分标准 下载本文

2013-2014学年 第1学期





1~5题 6~10题 11~15题 16~20题 21~25题 A C C D CD D B B D D C A B B A D B C C B D D A A A

二、判断正误,每题1分,共计15分。请按如下表格在答题纸上答此题。 1~5题 6~10题 11~15题 F T T F F T T T F F F F T F F


1. 说明软件设计师和架构师在工作内容和工作产品方面的区别。

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2. 什么是MDA,说明它所包含的三个层次并给出解释。

An approach to using models in software development:It separates the specification of the operation of a system from the details of the way that system uses the capabilities of its platform.

(1) (2) (3)

Computational Independent Model (CIM)

Focus is on environment of the system and requirements for the system Platform Independent Model (PIM)

Focus is on system operation, independent of platform

Platform Specific Model (PSM)

Focus is on detailed usage of system on specific platform

3. 4+1View Model已成为架构设计的标准,说明这五种视图的名称及其对应的涉众(Stakeholder).

Logical View Analysts/Designers StructurImplementation View ProgrammerSoftware Use-Case View End-user FunctionalitProcess View System integrators Performance, scalability, Deployment View System engineering System topology, delivery, installation, communication

4. 什么是用例实现(Use-case Realization),用例实现结构中应该包含哪些图。

The use-case realization structure helps to organize the model elements needed to realize the use cases in the design model. The use-case realization structure includes the following elements: Use-case realization packages; Traceabilities diagrams; Interaction diagrams; Class diagrams.

5. 说明识别三种分析类(boundary class, control class, entity class)的基本策略。

Boundary class: One boundary class per actor/use case pair; User Interface Classes--Concentrate on what information is presented to the user, Do NOT concentrate on the UI details; System and Device Interface Classes--Concentrate on what protocols must be defined and Do NOT concentrate on

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how the protocols will be implemented

Control class: In general, identify one control class per use case, as analysis continues, a complex use case’s control class may evolve into more than one class.

Entity class: Use use-case flow of events as input; Key abstractions of the use case; Traditional, filtering nouns approach--Underline noun clauses in the use-case flow of events\\Remove redundant candidates\\Remove vague candidates\\Remove actors (out of scope)\\Remove implementation constructs\\Remove attributes (save for later)\\Remove operations

6. 什么是分析机制,列举任意两种分析机制,并说明它们的特性。

Analysis mechanisms capture the key aspects of a solution in a way that is implementation-independent. They either provide specific behaviors to a domain-related class or component, or correspond to the implementation of cooperation between classes and/or components. They may be implemented as a framework. Examples include mechanisms to handle persistence, inter-process communication, error or fault handling, notification, and messaging, to name a few.

Persistency mechanism

? Granularity ? Volume ? Duration

? Access mechanism

? Access frequency (creation/deletion, update, read) ? Reliability

Inter-process Communication mechanism

? Latency

? Synchronicity ? Message size ? Protocol

7. 说明包、组件和子系统的区别和相似之处。


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