上海市中小学英语课程标准之小学核心词汇 下载本文


a about above across act afraid after afternoon again air all along always am America American and angry animal answer any apple April are art ask asleep at August aunt autumn away baby back bad bag ball banana

basketball bat bath beach bean bear beautiful because become bed beer before begin behind bell beside between bicycle/bike big bird birthday biscuit black blow blue boat body bone book borrow both bottle bowl box boy brave bread break

breakfast bright brother brown brush bus busy but butter butterfly buy by cake call camera can candle cap car card cat catch chair chalk channel cheap chicken child China Chinese chip chocolate Christmas cinema circle city class clean

clever climb clock close clothes cloud cloudy coat coffee cold color come computer cook cool copy corn correct count cousin cow cross cry cup cut dad dance dangerous dark date daughter day dear December deep desk dialogue different difficult dig dinner dirty

dish do doctor dog doll door down draw dress drink drive drum dry duck ear early east easy eat egg eight eleven empty engineer England English enjoy evening every exercise eye face fall false family fan far farm fast fat father favourite

February feed feel film find fine finger fire first fish five flag floor flower fly fold follow food foot football for four fox free Friday fridge friend from front fruit full funny game garden get gift girl give glad glass glue go

good goodbye grade grass great green grey group guess guitar gun hair half hall hand happy hard hat have he head hear heavy hello help her here hers hi hide high hill him his bobby home horse hospital hot house how hundred

hungry hurry I ice ice-cream idea improve in ink interesting is it its jacket jam January jelly job juice July jump June kilo kitchen knee knife knock know lady lake lamp large late laugh leaf learn left leg lesson let letter library

light like list listen little live local location long look lot loud love low lunch make man many map March match maths May may me meat meet milk mine minus mirror Miss Mr Monday money month moon mother mouse mouth much mum