何家弘 法律英语 第九章 合同法 英汉对照 下载本文

Lesson 9 合同法

Part One Contract and Contract Law 合同与合同法

Contract, as we will use that term, ordinarily connotes an agreement between two or more persons—not merely a shared belief, but a common understanding as to something which is to be done in the future by one or both of them.

当我们使用“合同”一词的时候,通常是说它是一份存在于两方或三方之间的契约。它不是一种简单的信任,而是通常理解为合同的一方或双方在将来的时候都要去做的某种事情。 Sometimes, the term contract is used also to refer to a document—the set of papers in which such an agreement is set forth.


For lawyers, contract usually is used to refer to agreement that has legal effect; i.e., it creates obligations for which some sort of legal enforcement will be available if performance is not forthcoming as promised.


Thus, it will sometimes be necessary to distinguish among three elements in a transaction, each of which can be called a contract: (1) the agreement –in-fact between the parties, (2) the agreement-as- written (which may or may not correspond accurately to the agreement-in-fact), and (3)the set of rights and duties created by (1) and (2).



Without trying at this point to state a short but comprehensive definition of law (if that were possible), it is perhaps sufficient to suggest that we will be surveying the ways in which such agreements are made and enforced in our legal system-the role of lawyers and judges in creating contracts, in deciding disputes that may arise with respect to their performance, and in fashioning appropriate remedies for their breach.


In the Anglo-American legal system, a great number of things-both tangible and intangible-are susceptible of “ownership.”

在英美法律体系中,有相当大部分的法律都明确或者间接的规定了所有权这个敏感的问题。 A bulldozer, a diamond ring, the Empire State Building, “Gone With the Wind”— all may be the “property” of one person or group of persons, which means that the

state will protect the right of the “owner” to use, enjoy, and even consume that thing, to the exclusion of all other persons.


The first-year property course traditionally focuses on the detailed rules that in Anglo-American law govern the ownership of “real property” (land and the buildings on it).


Later you will have the opportunity to explore bodies of law relating to ownership of other, less tangible, kinds of property such as copyrights, patents, shares of corporate stock, and negotiable instruments.


Any society that recognizes property rights must also address the question of how it should respond when someone violates those rights.


And property rights are not the only kind of individual rights that may need legal protection.


Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct such as the infliction of physical injury or other interferences with their individual freedom or dignity.


The courses in criminal law and torts deal with different aspects of this question: Criminal law focuses on those violations of personal and property rights that society deems serious enough to be deterred by threat of severe punishment for their commission (robbery, rape, and murder are obvious examples); tort law considers what remedy should be made available to the individuals so injured.


Because of the nature of the conduct regulated, criminal law and tort law overlap to a great degree, but they are not congruent.


Many acts are criminal but not tortuous, because they are offenses not against individuals but against the state—treason, for example, or tax evasion; others, such as slander, may be tortious but not criminal.


如,叛国罪、偷税罪;而诸如诽谤则是民事侵权行为而非犯罪行为。 Where does contract law fit into this picture? 在上述情况下,合同法是如何运用的呢?

We have noted already that our society recognizes and protects a variety of types of property and personal rights.


Ownership of property ordinarily includes the right to use and consume the thing owned, but in many cases it will be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer, or “convey,” the right of ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value (money, perhaps, or the ownership of some other property).


A piano is more valuable to one who can play it than to one who cannot, and two lots of adjoining real property may be much more when combined into one parcel than when held separately.


Similarly, the ownership of factory machinery may be much more valuable when it is combined with a right to the work of skilled technicians and laborers, a dependable source of supply of raw materials, and licenses to use patented processes in the manufacturing of goods.


Agreements for exchange are the means by which such resources are assembled and put to productive use.


Some such agreements call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods or services (your purchase of a morning paper, for instance, or of a hamburger or a haircut).


Where exchanges of any significant size are concerned, however, it is much more common for both the planning and the performance to be spread over a considerable period of time.

然而,进行那些重要的买卖合同的时候,合同通常会规定双方将在未来相当长的一段时间里要去履行的行为和计划。 The law of contracts is our society' legal mechanism for protecting the expectations that arise from the making of agreements for the future exchange of various types of performance, such as the conveyance of property (tangible and intangible), the performance of services, and the payment of money.
