译林牛津版模块一Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good 知识点教案详解 下载本文

Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good


1. ashamed adj. 惭愧的;感到遗憾的 【常见搭配】

feel/be ashamed of (doing) sth. 对(干)……感到羞耻;感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth. 因为羞耻或惭愧而勉强做某事 be ashamed that... 感到羞耻;感到惭愧 【相关拓展】 shameful adj. 可耻的,丢脸的 【即时演练】 A: 完成句子

1. To tell you the truth, I __________________________ the same mistake again. 老实说,我为再次犯同样的错误而感到羞愧。

2. I ________________ have troubled you so many times. 麻烦你这么多次我感到惭愧。 【答案】1. felt ashamed of making 2. am quite ashamed to B: 单选

— Why not be pleased at all? Is there anything to worry about?

— He is terribly ashamed _______ he did. A. about which

B. of what

C. in that

D. for what

【解析】句意:“究竟为什么不高兴?是不是有什么担心的?”“他为他所做感到非常羞愧。”be ashamed of sth. 对……感到羞愧;句中did后缺宾语,故用what。 【答案】B

2. concentrate v. 全神贯注,专心致志 【常见搭配】

concentrate (sth.) on (doing) sth. 专心致志于某事/做某事 ◆ If you concentrate your energy on studying, you will have chances to attend your dream

university. 如果你集中精力学习,你将有机会进入你梦想的大学。 【相关拓展】

fix/focus one’s attention on sth. 集中注意力于…… put one’s mind in sth. apply oneself to sth. put one’s heart into sth. be absorbed in sth. be lost in sth. devote...to... 【即时演练】


Japan's foreign ministry protested against the new air defense zone announced by China, claiming that risks may _______over the disputed waters.

A. multiply B. concentrate C. contradict D. decline

【解析】句意:日本外交大臣抗议中国最新宣布的防空领域,声称这种冒险会加大对有争议水域的争夺。multiply“增大”;concentrate“全神贯注”;contradict“否认”;decline“拒绝;谢绝”。 【答案】A

3. damage vt. & n. 损坏;损害;损失

◆ The earthquake damaged several buildings. 地震毁坏了几栋建筑物。

◆ The incident has damaged his reputation. 这次事件已对他的名声造成损害。 【词义辨析】

damage destroy ruin 常指部分的损坏或损失,或可以修好的。可用作动词或名词,作名词解时,常用搭配为 do/ cause damage to sb./ sth. 指彻底的、毁灭性的破坏,一般不可修复。 指毁坏某种好的事物或有用的东西,事后虽然存在,但已失去了其 专心于…… 专心致力于…… 集中精力…… 一心一意于…… 倾心于…… 献身于…… 原有的特性或特征。 【即时演练】


The green-hand cook ________ the soup by putting in too much salt accidentally. A. spoiled B.damaged C. injured

D. harmed

【解析】句意:新手厨师不小心放了太多的盐把糖糟蹋了。spoil“损坏,糟蹋”;damage“破坏”;injure“受伤”;harm“伤害”。 【答案】A

4. effect n. 效果,作用;影响 effective adj. 有效的,起作用的 affect vt. 影响;打动,感动 【常见搭配】

have an effect on/ upon 对……有影响 bring/ carry/ put sth. into effect 使……实行,实施;使生效 sth. comes into effect (法律等)开始实行;开始生效;实行,实施 take effect (药等)见效,(法律等)生效 【即时演练】

A: 用表格中常见搭配完成句子

1)Any change in lifestyle will ______________________ your health. 2)Measures to reduce costs are beginning to ______________________. 【答案】1. have an effect on/ upon 2. take effect/ come into effect B: 单选


John began to feel little beads of sweat going down the back of his neck.His words seemed to have had no visible ______ on the man.


B.effect C.affection D.impression