(精品)牛津上海版(深圳)五年级上册期中测试题-(英语) 下载本文


一、判断下列各组发音划线部分的发音,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。 ( ) 1. A. desk B. ask C. sky2 ( ) 2. A. chick B. neck C. black ( ) 3. A. watch B. chair C. teach ( ) 4. A. child B. school C. teacher ( ) 5. A. wasp B. crisp C. spell ( ) 6. A. spend B. speak C. spend ( ) 7. A. fast B. last C. August ( ) 8. A. must B. mast C. student ( )9. A. stop B. stay C. post ( ) 10. A. stand B. cost C. stood ( ) 11. A. skate B. skip C. stand ( ) 12. A. wash B. she C. ship ( ) 13. A. wish B. dish C. share ( ) 14. A. shake B. fish C. sheep ( ) 15. A. desk B. drive C. dry ( ) 16. A. dress B. driver C. drop ( ) 17. A. press B. speak C. pretty ( ) 18. A. print B. price C. prince ( ) 19. A. brother B. brown C.princess ( ) 20. A. apple B. Alice C. same ( ) 21. A. animal B. bad C. always ( ) 22. A. heavy B. each C. easy ( ) 23. A. eat B. tea C. sea ( ) 24. A. broke B. bread C. breakfast ( ) 25. A. cry B. cream C. brown ( ) 26. A. cross B. crazy C. crow ( ) 27. A. bread B. friends C. grow ( ) 28. A. five B. like C. drive ( ) 29. A. bike B. bite C. kite ( ) 30. A. big B. pig C. ice ( ) 31. A. thick B. thin C. time 二、选择填空。 U1

1. ______do you want to be? I want to be a cook.

A. What B. Who C. How 2. I want to help sick people. I want to be a _____.

A. teacher B. pilot C. doctor 3. ______Joe want to be a singer? --Yes.

A. Do B.Is C. Does

4. I’m good at ______.

A. swim B. swimming C. swiming 5. Lily wants to ____ a nurse.

A. is B. are C. be 6. Peter ____ singing. I ___ dancing.

A. likes, likes B. likes, like C. like, like 7. I am a driver. I can ____.


A. fly a plane B. drive a bus C. teach student

8. What do you want? ---_________________.

A. I have an apple B. I want a hamburger C.I have a football 9. What do you have? ---_________________.

A. I have an apple B. I want a hamburger C.I want a football 10. What subject do you want to teach? ---_________________.

A. He wants to teach P.E B. I want to teach English C. She wants to teach Chinese 11. He wants to be a lifeguard, but he is ___ of water. A. good B. good at C. afraid 12. I want to ___ a plane in the sky.

A. fly B. to fly C. flying U2

13. I ___ to school by bus. She ___ to school by bus, too.

A. come, come B. comes, come C. come, comes 14. ___ Jimmy ___ to school by car? ---Yes, he does.

A. Does, go B. Does, goes C. Does, does 15. She ___ to school by bike. I go to school _____foot.

A. goes, by B. go, by C. goes, on 16. How ____ parents go to walk?

A. does B. do C. is 17. My sister and Lucy ___ to school by train.

A. goes B. go C. comes 18. ___ do you go to school? ---I walk to school.

A. What B. How C. When 19. Ms Guo ___ bus No.12 to her school.

A. by B. on C. takes U3

20. My birthday is ___ July 18th.

A. in B. on C. at 21. Alice’s birthday is___ October.

A. in B. on C. at

22. ____ does your brother’s birthday party. It begins __ three o’clock. A. What, in B. When, at C. What time, at 23. ___ the morning, you can see the Sun.

A. In B. On C. At 24. ___ do you go to school? ---I walk to school.

A. What B. How C. When 25. My mother’s birthday is on May____.

A. fiveth B. five C. fifth 26. My friend’s birthday is on April____.

A. nineth B. ninth C. nine 27. Linda lives on the ____ floor.

A. twelve B. twelfth C. twelveth 28. What time dose it ___? --It ___ at five.

A. begin, begins B. begin, begin C. begins, begin 29. Today is February ____.Next month is my ___ birthday.

A. second, tenth B. two, ten C. second, tenth 30. When’s Children’s Day? ---_______.


A. It is in May. B. It is on 1st June. C. It is on July the first. 31. Is it your birthday today? --_______.

A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it can. 32. Sally often does her homework ___ night. A. on B. in C. at U4

32. Do you want to go ___ with me? A. shop B. shopping C./ 33. I often play chess ____ my brother at weekends. A. with B. in C. at 34. What do you usually do ___ the weekend. A. with B. in C. at 35. Candy often ___ table tennis with her father. A. play B. plays C. /

36. We like ___ the mountain _____ Sunday morning.

A. climb, in B. climbing, on C. climbing, at 37. My grandparents live ___ my home. A. with B. far from C. far 38. Sam always ___ her grandparents in August. A. visits B./ C. visit 39. My sister often writes ___ emails ___ me. A. a, with B. an, to C. a, to 40. Mark never ___ for a walk after dinner. A. go B. goes C./ 41. What animals do you like? --______.. A. English B. orange C. rabbit 42. Do you like playing basketball, Bill?--_______. A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I can C. Yes, I do 43. Are they your friends?--______.

A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they is. C. Yes, they are. U5

44. My grandparents are ___ doctors. A. both B. all C. too 45. I ____ a black dog and Jill __ a white dog.

A. have, has B. has, have C. has, has 46. My sisters ___ like playing volleyball.

A. both B. all C. are

47. My brother and I ___in____class.

A. am, the same B. are, the same C. are, same 48. We are good friends and we are in _____classes.

A. the different B. different C. same 49. Kitty ___ playing badminton. I ___ playing volleyball. A. is, is B. is, am C. are, am 50. ___ Jim and Tom like basketball?