2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHigh课时训练外研版必修 下载本文



1.I’m going to take part ________ the Dragon Boat Training Camp this summer. 2. ________ (amaze),she stood and stared while the police arrested her husband. 3.What is your attitude ________ senior high students taking up a part-time job? 4.We are looking forward to ________ (have) your early reply to this matter. 5.The guide gives a general ________ (describe) of the island.

6.Under the teacher’s ________ (instruct),we have made great progress in our physics study.

7.The new road is twice ________ (wide)than the old one. 8.Are you free now? I want to have a word ________ you.

9.Don’t instruct your secretary ________ (say) you are out when you are in. 10.I enjoy reading the book and ________ does my wife.

答案 1.in 2.Amazed 3.towards/to 4.having 5.description 6.instruction 7.wider 8.with 9.to say 10.so Ⅱ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)

1.Anything will bee bored if you do it repeatedly.

2.We are looking forward to receive your e-mail in no time. 3.If you attend the party,neither will I.

4.Now it is very easy and quick to get informations from the Internet with just a puter.

5.I am boring with Mr.Wang’s talking;I can’t wait any longer for its end. 6.Failing the exam,he had a disappointing look on his face.

7.You’d better not be late again for class;in other word,you are expected to be on time next time.

答案 1.bored→boring 2.receive→receiving 3.neither→so 4.informations→information 7.word→words




Today is my first day at Senior High School.I am writing down my thoughts about it.

My new school is very good.The teachers are very enthusiastic and 1.________ (friend).The classroom is 2.________ (amaze),which has a puter with a special screen behind it.The teachers write 3.________ it.My English teacher’s teaching method is pletely different from 4.________ of the teachers at Junior High.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman 5.________(call) Ms Shen.The class is really interesting.We have fun.We introduce 6.________(our) to each other.Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we 7.________(work) by ourselves.In our class,there are three times as many girls 8.________ boys and they all work hard.For our homework tonight,we have to write a description of the street 9.________ we live.I’m looking forward to 10.________(do) it.

答案 1.friendly 2.amazing 3.on 4.that 5.called 6.ourselves 7.worked 8.as 9.where 10.doing Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子

1.我的新学校很美丽,它完全不同于我初中的学校。(nothing like) _____________________________________________________________________ 2.新学校的面积是原来学校的四倍。(...times the size of...)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.这儿的老师好极了,他们热情友好。(brilliant,enthusiastic)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4.他们对工作的态度非常积极。(attitude towards)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5.他们的教学方法给我留下了很好印象。(leave a/an...impression on sb) _____________________________________________________________________ 6.男老师经常邀请一些学生参加诸如打篮球、踢足球这样的活动。(take part in) _____________________________________________________________________ 7.我期盼着在这里实现我的梦想。(look forward to)


答案 1.My new school is very beautiful and it is nothing like my junior high school. 2.This new school is about four times the size of my previous school. 3.The teachers here are brilliant,who are enthusiastic and friendly. 4.They have a very positive attitude towards their work. 5.Their teaching method leaves a good impression on me.

6.The men teachers often invite some students to take part in activities such as playing basketball and football.

7.I am looking forward to realizing my dream here. 二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇


My new school is very beautiful and it is nothing like my junior high school.This new school is about four times the size of my previous school.The teachers here are brilliant,who are enthusiastic and friendly.They have a very positive attitude towards their work and their teaching method leaves a good impression on me.After school,the men teachers often invite some students to take part in activities such as playing basketball and football.I am looking forward to realizing my dream here. Ⅴ.阅读理解

In 2011, a law was born.A type of ladybug (瓢虫) became the state insect of North Dakota.When the governor signed the bill into law, four kids stood behind him.These second-grade students had helped create a law!

Jaden McNeiley, Logan Redding, Megan Zimmer, and Isabel Sieg were in first grade when their idea for a law was born.They were studying the ladybug in school.

Megan and Logan were farm kids and knew something about the ladybug already.They knew that farmers had a problem with crop-eating pests called aphids (蚜虫) and that ladybugs ate aphids.The more ladybugs were around, the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use.

The kids were reading an article on the puter when they saw a link that led to a list of state insects.They clicked on the link and couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect!

The kids decided that a kind of ladybug called the convergent lady beetle should be their state insect.This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor.But they had no idea how to create a law.So they asked their teacher for help.Their teacher knew their local state representative.When they all met, the representative told the kids they would have to present facts and solid reasons to convince lawmakers that North Dakota needed the ladybug as its state insect.

The students spent much of that first grade spring researching ladybugs.Their teacher ordered ladybug larvae (幼虫).They watched the larvae develop into adults.To learn more, they talked to scientists who study insects.The children say their research was hard work and they loved it.“Even if we hadn’t gotten what we wanted,” says Jaden, “even if the bill hadn’t passed, it was worth it.”

The students want everyone to know that kids can make a difference.“Whether you are 8 or 80,” says Isabel, “you have a voice in your munity.” “Believe in your dreams,” say Jaden and Megan.“But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up!” adds Logan.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。四个小学生促使瓢虫成为美国北达科他州的州虫。 1.Before studying the ladybug in school, Megan and Logan already knew________. A.how to create a law B.the advantages of aphids C.the state insects of the US D.how ladybugs benefit people

答案 D [推理判断题。由第三段中的They knew that...the fewer chemicals the farmers had to use可推断,这两名学生此前就知道瓢虫有益于人类。]

2.How did the four kids feel when they saw the list of state insects? A.Surprised. C.Happy.

B.Excited. D.Proud.

答案 A [推理判断题。由第四段末的couldn’t believe their eyes.North Dakota did not have a state insect可推断,孩子们看到州虫列表时很惊讶——北达科他州居然没有州虫。]

3.Why did the four kids choose the convergent lady beetle as their state insect? A.Because it looks beautiful. B.Because they knew it very well. C.Because of their teacher’s advice. D.Because of its contribution to farming.

答案 D [细节理解题。由第五段中的This ladybug was of great benefit to their farming state and it deserved a place of honor可知,他们之所以选该种瓢虫作为州虫是因为这种瓢虫对该州的农业很有好处。] 4.Jaden and Megan encourage kids to________. A.work for their dreams B.believe in themselves C.be different from others D.be devoted to their munities

答案 A [细节理解题。由最后一段中的Believe in your dreams及But make sure you are ready to do work to back them up可知,这两名学生鼓励孩子们为梦想而努力。] Ⅵ.阅读七选五

Tips for writing the college essay

While some high school seniors begin to enjoy writing their college essay, others fail to see the importance of it.__1__ Creating the college essay is supposed to be a fun, and exciting task.It is a process of self-discovery.Some helpful tips:

1.Have fun!__2__Relax, breathe and realize that this is the time to expose a side of you that a transcript (学生成绩单) cannot.

2.__3__The worst thing you can do is pick an ordinary topic.Stay away from volunteer work, your dead dog and vacations.Admission counselors (入学辅导员) see thousands of essays a month; make sure your essay is distinct to your experience and personality.Do not focus on what you think they want you to write, but what is actually significant to you.