2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHigh课时训练外研版必修 下载本文

3.Don’t try to make yourself a victim. Although it is effective to appeal to the emotions of an admission counselor, I do not remend writing an essay about sad stories.Self-pity can be annoying, and most admission counselors do not want that to be their first impression of you.The only exception to this is if you have an inspiring struggle that you overcame.__4__

4.Your essay is not a longer version of your resume (简历).If you sent in a resume, there is absolutely no need to restate what is on it.Many students like bragging (吹嘘) about how much they do.It is amazing that you are involved, but admission counselors do not only want to hear about how much you do, especially if they already see this on your resume.__5__

Good luck on your college essay! A.It was received well by many. B.Don’t settle for basic—be creative!

C.When you get upset, it is reflected in your work. D.You can talk about how a work changed your life.

E.They want to see aspects of you that cannot be shown on a resume. F.In some cases, these 600 words determine an acceptance or a rejection. G.Make sure that the story is focused on your growth, not on the struggle. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章是写大学申请论文的几点建议。 1.F [F项与上文的see the importance of it相呼应。]

2.C [C项与本段小标题及下文的Relax, breathe相呼应,说明学生要让自己在心情好的情况下写大学申请论文,并从中找到乐趣。]

3.B [由下文的The worst thing you can do is pick an ordinary topic...but what is actually significant to you可知,本段主要是说大学申请论文的内容要避免老套的话题,应该体现自己的独特性。故B项恰当。]

4.G [G项与上文的have an inspiring struggle that you overcame相呼应。] 5.E [E项与上文的admission counselors do not only want to hear about how much you do, especially if they already see this on your resume相呼应。] Ⅶ.语法填空

Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery (彩

票).We dream about __1__we would do with the money, but we __2__(rare) stop to think about how the money would change us.

For most of us, our way of life is closely linked __3__our economic circumstances.The different parts of our lives fit together like a jigsaw (拼图)—work, home, friends, hobbies, and sports make __4__our world.A sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw.For example, most people like the idea of not __5__(have) to work, but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning.It seems great __6__(move) to a bigger house in a(n) __7__(wealth) area, but if you do that, you leave old friends behind.

Usually, winners __8__(advise) not to publicize their addresses and phone numbers, but begging letters still arrive.__9__they are not careful, most of their money will be spent on the __10__(protect) of their homes and swimming pools and their mental health!

答案 1.what [考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作动词do的宾语,故填what。]

2.rarely [考查副词。设空处修饰动词stop,故填rarely。]

3.to/with [考查介词。be linked to/with是固定短语,意为“与……有联系”。] 4.up [考查副词。make up意为“组成,构成”。]

5.having [考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后面要跟动词-ing形式。] 6.to move [考查不定式作主语的用法。It在此是形式主语,故用不定式短语作真实主语。] 7.wealthy [考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰名词area,故填wealthy。] 8.are advised [考查一般现在时的被动语态。从全文的时态可知,此处应是一般现在时,并且winners和advise之间是被动关系,所以用are advised。] 9.If/When [考查连词。设空处引导条件状语从句,故填If/When。] 10.protection [考查名词。设空处前有the,故应用protect的名词形式。]




1.A ________ (pain) injury forced her to withdraw from the game. 2.I’ve gained much weight recently. I have to go on ________ diet. 3.Then he made a fire,ate something and lay ________ to sleep. 4.More fine food, ________ you’ll be healthier and healthier. 5 One more week,and we ________ (finish) the task.

6.Sea water hit against her face,making it difficult ________ (breathe). 7.A great many people are crazy ________ this book,regardless of their nationality. 8. ________ (anxious),she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only to find it didn’t fit.

9.She said a ________ (health) lifestyle was more important than simply being slim. 10.When word about this got round,people quickly headed ________ the spot. 答案 1.painful 2.a 3.down 4.and 5.will finish 6.to breathe 7.about 8.Anxiously 9.healthy 10.for Ⅱ.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)

1.Study hard or you’ll make progress every day.

2.Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to fit in with,so she left. 3.He lost his job.That’s why he didn’t finish his work. 4.The injuring were rushed to hospital in an ambulance.

5.When I was heading home,I caught a thief steal from a passer-by. 6.I think sports are good for you and everybody should take exercises. 7.She has been on diet for two weeks and has lost five pounds.

8.Tom has been crazy for football since he was very young and plays it every day. 答案 1.or→and 2.去掉with 3.why→because 4.injuring→injured 5.steal→stealing 6.exercises→exercise 7.diet前加a 8.for→about Ⅲ.课文缩写短文改错

One day,when my mother saw me heading towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed me anxious and asked me to put on my jacket.I had to do what I told.My

mother always makes sure we eat healthy.

We eat fresh fruit,vegetables and fish instead of fat,sugar and sweet.So I never have diet.I rarely get colds,and I am very fit because I take a lot exercise.I don’t often get things like flu,too.But two years ago,I broke my arms while played football.The injury was quite painful.Now you can see from that I’ve said,I’m a normal kind of boy.And there is one thing I have to tell you.I’m crazy about football. 答案


One day,when my mother saw me towards the front door without a jacket


on,she eyed me and asked me to put on my jacket.I had to do what I told.My


mother always makes sure we eat . healthily


We eat fresh fruit,vegetables and fish instead of fat,sugar and.So I sweetsnever have diet.I rarely get colds,and I am very fit because I take a lot exercise.I toodon’t often get things like flu,.But two years ago,I broke my arms while


football.The injury was quite painful.Now you can see from I’ve said,


I’m a normal kind of boy. there is one thing I have to tell you.I’m crazy about


Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子


_____________________________________________________________________ 2.他痴迷于电脑游戏。(be crazy about)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3.一天他生病而且发烧了。(bee ill,have a temperature)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4.他母亲非常担心他的健康把他送到了医院。(anxious)


5.医生要求李华躺下并给他做了仔细检查。(lie down)

_____________________________________________________________________ 6.他告诉李华他健康不佳和玩电脑游戏有关。(be connected with)

_____________________________________________________________________ 7.如果他想保持健康,最好戒除。(fit)


8.他建议李华一周至少锻炼两小时并保持均衡饮食。(at least,take exercise,diet) _____________________________________________________________________ 9.李华接受了医生的建议,几天后在医生的帮助下他恢复了健康。(pick up) _____________________________________________________________________ 答案 1.Li Hua was a normal kind of person. 2.He was crazy about puter games.

3.One day,he became ill and had a temperature.

4.His mother was very anxious about his health and sent him to hospital. 5.The doctor asked Li Hua to lie down and examined him carefully.

6.He told Li Hua that his bad health was connected with playing puter games. 7.If he wanted to keep fit,he’d better get rid of it.

8.He advised Li Hua to take at least two hours’ exercise a week and keep a balanced diet.

9.Li Hua took the doctor’s advice and a few days later,he picked up with the doctor’s help.



Li Hua was a normal kind of person.However,he was crazy about puter games.One day,he became ill and had a temperature.His mother was very anxious about his health and sent him to hospital.The doctor asked Li Hua to lie down and examined him carefully.He told Li Hua that his bad health was connected with playing puter games