2019高考英语一轮复习针对训练(2)介词与连词语文 下载本文





1.He was on no mood for joking about it.

2.Generally speaking, females are not junior than males in wisdom. 3.He lied us that he had lay the watch on the table.

4.The old man impresses the importance of kindness with his grandchildren. 5.Pollution from the factory has been reduced to 70 per cent. 6.The student was blamed of cheating in an important examination. 7.It’s very nice for you to draw pictures for me. 8.Birds flew back because the fine environment

9.He felt so sorry that he apologized her for his delay. 10The doctor ordered him to go in a diet to lose weight.

11.Maybe we should rid ourselves modern technology and return to simpler times. 12.We are upset with the rapid increase of loud noises made by factories. 13.They were sailing across the Pacific Ocean while their ship broke down. 14.My mother had always told his parents that too much fast food was harmful,and they ignored my mother’s advice.

15.The old man is ill, but he doesn't feel like eating anything. 16.Though he is fit for the job, but he can’t accept it.

17.Mr Smith is very strict with us and he sometimes can be very kind.

18.Follow these tips, your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.

19.Even if he is ill, but he goes to work as usual. 二、填空题

20It is unwise you to go outside in such a hazy(雾霾的) day. You may get lost.

21.A passer-by who happened to see the traffic accident was taken to the police station to describe it ________.

A.at least B.in relief C.at length D.on purpose 22I gave him my dictionary in exchange the novel. 23The little girl is dying a piano of her own. 24You look well. The air and the seafood in Sanya must agree you, I suppose.

25Peter:OK.Don’t laugh me. I may look funny.

26Brown said he was by no means annoyed ; the contrary,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.

27—Did he say anything that appealed you especially? —Not really. Actually I slept halfway through his speech.

28It was a real race time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.

29The Scottish girl blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.

30Hold to the rope and I will pull you out of the well. 31.选择适当的介词填空完成句子。

1.Not all advertising is about selling products and services__________a profit. 2.A truck went out of control and crashed__________the back of a bus. 3.There will be a campaign to educate teenagers__________AIDS. 4.Most teenagers have a positive attitude__________life.

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5.In this book store you can find a lot of book meant__________children.

6.The spokesman__________the charity said all the donated money would be used to help people in need.

7.Tokyo is the host city__________the 2020 Olympic Games.

8.Johnson wanted to be remembered__________\9.His back injury may prevent him__________playing in tomorrow’s game.

10.People are encouraged to plant trees__________the banks of the Yellow River. 32Read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.

33Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, plants can spread to new places.

34He is a shy man, he is not afraid of anything or anyone. 35从下列词中选择合适的词填空:after; while; since; when; as

1.One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away my daughter heard cries for help.

2.Hot the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.

36I was glad to meet Jenny again, I didn’t want to spend all day with her.

37Don't turn off the computer before closing all programs, you could have problems.

38There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important

discovery another man, also intelligent, fails. 39Start out right away, you’ll miss the first train. 40I’d like to study law at university my cousin prefers geography.

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1.答案:He was 解析:

2.答案:Generally speaking, females are not junior 解析:

3.答案:He lied to us that he had lay the watch on the table. 解析:

4.答案:The old man impresses the importance of kindness grandchildren. 解析:

5.答案:Pollution from the factory has been reduced 解析: 6.答案:

The student was blamed 解析:

7.答案:It’s very nice

?in on no mood for joking about it.

than males in wisdom. towith his

on/uponto70 per cent. byof cheating in an important examination. forfor you to draw pictures for me. of解析:

8.答案:because 后面加of 解析:

9.答案:apologized 后加to 解析:

答案: in→on 来源: 无

解析: go on a diet节食,是固定搭配。 11.答案:Maybe we should rid ourselves simpler times. 解析:

12.答案:We are upset factories. 解析:

13.答案:They were sailing across the Pacific Ocean down. 解析:

14.答案:and- but 解析:

?ofmodern technology and return to

with the rapid increase of loud noises made by aboutwhile their ship broke when第 3 页